Image Monday, November 24, 2014 | 15:58 WIB | 143
Inter-faith Marriage: PHDI and KWI Possessed Different Views

Constitutional Court (MK) held another trial to deliberate Article 2 verse 1 Act 1/1974 about Marriage, the agenda of the trial was testimonial hearing conducted on Tuesday (11/24), at MK Plenary Room. In order to glorify fairness principle,…read more

Image Monday, November 24, 2014 | 15:40 WIB | 140
Students of Cawang 8 and 13 Elementary School Visited MK

Students of 8 and 13 Elementary School Cawang, Jakarta paid a visit to Constitutional Court (MK), Monday (11/24). The visit was welcomed by MK researcher, Abdul Ghofar. Ghofar told the students about goals, position, and authority…read more

Image Monday, November 24, 2014 | 11:04 WIB | 131
Indonesian Legal Concept Relies on Pancasila and 1945 Constitution

Three assumptions were set as regular basis to explain relation between politics and law, namely law determination over politics, politics determination over law, and dependence between politics and law. The statement was delivered by Constitutional Justice Wahiduddin Adams…read more

Image Monday, November 24, 2014 | 09:43 WIB | 166
MK Chief Justice : MK Instrument of Democracy Progress

In its 11th anniversary, Constitutional Court (MK) plays important role in the Indonesia democracy struggle. It is reflected in MK’s milestones in Indonesia’s political and administration system.   MK was established in 2003 as a result…read more

Image Monday, November 24, 2014 | 09:42 WIB | 97
MKRI Strengthens Ties with Thai\'s Counterpart

Cooperation between Constitutional Court of Republic of Indonesia (MKRI) and Constitutional Court of Kingdom of Thailand is enriched by the signing of Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) on Tuesday, (11/18) at Thai Constitutional Court Building, Bangkok. MKRI…read more

Image Monday, November 24, 2014 | 09:41 WIB | 194
Hamdan Zoelva: MK Balances Democracy and Law Enforcement

Taking place at Embassy of RI in Moscow, Chief Justice Hamdan Zoelva held meeting with Indonesians who resides in the ex-Soviet Union federal state. The meeting was held on Saturday (11/15). Hundreds of Indonesians attended the meeting.  …read more

Image Monday, November 24, 2014 | 09:38 WIB | 139
MKRI Pledges Ties with Russian Constitutional Court

In this global realm, providing relation between states is unavoidable. Every single constructive and fruitful partnership must be utilized as well as possible to overcome challenges set in the realm. Strong diplomatic ties between Russia Federation…read more

Image Thursday, November 20, 2014 | 18:43 WIB | 36
Hesitating Political Tendency, Constitutional Court Justices\' Service Term Scrutinized

Act 8/2011 of Constitutional Court (UU MK) is once more condemned. Riyanti, alumnus of Jakarta Muhammadiyah University pleaded Article 22 UU MK about Constitutional Justice Term. The first trial was held on Thursday (11/20) at MK Plenary Room.   In…read more

Image Thursday, November 20, 2014 | 18:10 WIB | 102
Witnesses: UU P3H Threatens Customs Community

Judicial review on Deforestation Prevention Act (P3H) and Forestry Act was attended by four witnesses, they delivered testimony to accentuate testimony which says criminalization to those who live around the forest. The petition filed by peasants and environment organizations was…read more

Image Thursday, November 20, 2014 | 16:56 WIB | 104
Accentuating Legal Standing, KUHP Petitioner Revised Lawsuit

Applicant of Article 231 paragraph (3) Criminal Code (KUHP) revised their petition. In Aswanto-led hearing, attorney Rinaldi delivered the revisions. First, related to Constitutional Court’s authorities. The Plaintiff has added Article 10 paragraph (1) letter a Act 8/2011 about MK…read more