Image Saturday, December 06, 2014 | 09:56 WIB | 125
Chief Justice: Pesantren Contribute in Growing Nation

Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) is one of the major milestones in Indonesian education. Muslims who are part of the 86% of Indonesia\'s population, of many rely boarding as well as the seat to deepen religious knowledge. Not a…read more

Image Thursday, December 04, 2014 | 19:34 WIB | 99
Govt: Information Commission Must Adhere KIP Law

Government, represented by the Social, Economics, and Culture  Affairs Advisor to the Minister of Communication]Djoko Hari submitted his response to the petition for judicial review of Law Public Information (KIP) filed by 22 commissioners and the Central Information Commission and…read more

Image Thursday, December 04, 2014 | 17:30 WIB | 118
Questioning MK Justices Office Term, Petition of MK Law Revised

Constitutional Court (MK) held judicial hearing Act No. 8 of 2011 on the Second Amendment Act No. 24/2003 regarding Constitutional Court towards  1945 Constitution on Thursday (4/12), with the agenda of the revised hearing. The case, registered upon 131/PUU-XII/2014 was…read more

Image Thursday, December 04, 2014 | 09:38 WIB | 107
Export Ban and Smelter Planting Corresponding Constitution

Petition filed by 9 mining companies to challenge Act 4/2009 about ore and coal (Minerba Act) was turned down by Constitutional Court, as the verdict recited by Chief Justice Hamdan Zoelva, Wednesday (12/3). The Plaintiffs suggested…read more

Image Thursday, December 04, 2014 | 08:59 WIB | 84
MK: Food Law not Opposing the Constitution

Petition on Act 18/2012 about Food filed by 12 NGOs was turned down by Constitutional Court. Verdict was recited by Chief Justice, Wednesday (12/3). In the consideration, the Court stated that the provision in Article 3…read more

Image Wednesday, December 03, 2014 | 20:44 WIB | 76
Object Replaced, Petition on Copyrights Curbed

Constitutional Court (MK) denied petition of judicial review on Act 19/2002 Copyrights Act pleaded by Bernard Samuel Sumarauw. The verdict was recited at MK Plenary Room, Wednesday (12/3)/   In the consideration, Panel of Justice did…read more

Image Wednesday, December 03, 2014 | 20:19 WIB | 63
Once been Decided,Notaries Single Body Petition mutatis mutandis

Constitutional Court (MK) rejected Indonesian Notary Association (HNI) and two other Notaries’ petition. Chief Justice Hamdan Zoelva recited the verdict in hearing held on on Wednesday (12/3) at MK Plenary Room. The Court deemed the petition is not…read more

Image Wednesday, December 03, 2014 | 20:17 WIB | 85
Petition on Perppu Nixed

Dismissing Constitutional Court’s summon will be considered disregarding the Constitution Stronghold’s dignity. After absenting in trial twice, petition of Judicial Review on lieu of law 1/2014 about Governor, regent, and mayor election (Perppu Pilkada) was ditched. read more

Image Wednesday, December 03, 2014 | 20:14 WIB | 42
MK Turned Down Quran Procurement Suspect\'s Petition

Constituional Court (MK) scrapped petition filed by qur’an procurement suspect, Zulkarnain Djabar. The verdict upon case number 75/PUU-XI/2013 was recited by Chief Justice Hamdan Zoelva on Wednesday (12/3). “The Plaintiff possessed legal standing to file a…read more

Image Wednesday, December 03, 2014 | 20:00 WIB | 63
Expert: Forest Border may not Burden Residents

Constitutional Court (MK) held another hearing about deforestation prevention and eradication on Wednesday (12/3). The agenda was testimonial hearing from plaintiff-presented witness.   Maruarar Siahan, one of the expert said that Article 15 Act 18/2013 which…read more