Witnesses: UU P3H Threatens Customs Community

Judicial review on Deforestation Prevention Act (P3H) and Forestry Act was attended by four witnesses, they delivered testimony to accentuate testimony which says criminalization to those who live around the forest. The petition filed by peasants and environment organizations was held on Thursday (11/20), at MK Plenary Room.     

One of the attended witnesses is Sukran Hawali. He is a member of customary community of Semende Banding Agung, Bengkulu. The community lived South Bukit Barisan National Park (TNBBS). Four members of the community were once being sentenced for TNBBS breaching. They were imprisoned for six months and 1 and a half billion fined.

Sukran also explained that based on chronological event, Semende Banding Agung origanted from Kendidai Rantau region. However, due to the flood in 1807 they were forced to move to where they live in now. Sukran said that Semende Banding Agung Community has established crop plants in which.   

Nonetheless, their life was disrupted in 2012. According to Sukran, Semende Banding Agung members were intimidated. Even several of their houses were set on fire by the Forest ranger.

Not just there, the community was disrupted by joint operation, but they struggled and stayed to live in. They have tried numerous petitions, but none was given aback.  

They were once forced to sign on paper, which later known as letter of statement to adjudicate them as forest breacher.  

Interfering Custom

Meanwhile, another witness, Yontameri Rajo Jambak from Malalo Customary Community, through video conference, delivered his testimony wired from West Sumatera. Yontameri said that Malalo Customary Community, inhabitant of Singkarak lake bank, was threatened by the ruling of UUP3H. Malalo Community resides in the protected national park. According to Yontameri, their life is still threatened despite the fact that some parts of the protected area are their custom residence.   

To manage forest, Malalo Community has their own law. It derived from local wisdom, every decision must be assessed first through consultative meeting. The emergence of the law was condemned interfering the long and historical custom.

Yontameri said, there was once forest ranger who managed them to log the area. Turns out, it was a trap they were later being jailed. Yontameri is certain there is no illegal logging happened in the protected area. (Yusti Nurul Agustin/kun)

Thursday, November 20, 2014 | 18:10 WIB 102