Indonesian Legal Concept Relies on Pancasila and 1945 Constitution

Three assumptions were set as regular basis to explain relation between politics and law, namely law determination over politics, politics determination over law, and dependence between politics and law. The statement was delivered by Constitutional Justice Wahiduddin Adams in Jakarta Muhammadiyah Universities dies natalis. The event entitled “National Legal System Politic in Pancasila, 1945 Constitution, and Global Context,” was held at UMJ Hall, Saturday (11/22).   

Wahiduddin said, Indonesia legal system adopts three basis, custom, sharia, and European continental. But the three dichotomies are now barely heard because the recent law has comprised the three. According to Wahiduddin, today the concepts are incorporated in globalization process which conveyed world’s society as single community, depending to each other, and open.

“To be known, globalization is multidimensional asymmetric process. On one side it will be the source of conflict on the other hand, it will provide harmony to eschew global conflict,” he said.

In short, Wahiduddin retained political law and globalization have been developing in society, while at same time remain some spaces for perfection. Therefore, it is the duty for the student to perfect the incorporating process.  

Law and Prosperity

Aside from Wahiduddin Adams, Constitutional Justice Patrialis Akbar also attended the event. In his explanation, Patrilais said that law enforcement must be proceeded through law and conscience. It has to be accentuated through good willing to build law abiding citizens.

Thus, Indonesian legal system must comprise 5 aspects, National-oriented law development, welfare state vision, humanity principle, affirmative action, and check and balance. “All basis have been poured in 1945 Constitution and in our ideology, Pancasila,” he added.

In the opportunity, Patrialis also expressed his disappointment to the media which accused him violating ethical code as Constitutional Justice. However, Ethical Council has spoken and the result says otherwise. Prior to it, Patrialis was accused for violating ethical code as he was allegedly considered stating personal opinion over potentially reviewed Act. (Panji Erawan)

Monday, November 24, 2014 | 11:04 WIB 130