Image Monday, December 15, 2014 | 16:15 WIB | 117
Six-year Tenure Condemned, Subdistrict Heads Contend UU Desa

Six-year tenure of subdistrict head as determined in Act 9/2014 about subdistrict (UU Desa) is said to violate constitutional rights. The situation revealed by Sidoarjo Subdistrict head Association who filed a petition over the Act in trial held…read more

Image Friday, December 12, 2014 | 18:53 WIB | 118
MK Expecting Independent Justice Selection Panel Members

Constitutional Court (MK) asked President Joko Widodo to reconsider two members of Constitutional Justice Selection Committee, namely Todung Mulya Lubis and Refly Harun due to their acquaintances to Applicants whose petitions are being heard by the Court. read more

Image Friday, December 12, 2014 | 18:51 WIB | 132
Expert: Electrical Devices Must Fulfill Standard

Electrical engineering expert and National Power Council member Tumiran told that installed electricity device must be fulfilling technical standard and proven through certified technical test in order to avoid electrical disruption for the consumer. “For instance, due to…read more

Image Friday, December 12, 2014 | 10:27 WIB | 59
Govt: Central Tapanuli Regent\'s Petition Errant to File to MK

Government considers the petition filed by the Central Tapanuli regent King Bonaran Situmeang about the rules in Act No. 8/1981 on Criminal Code that regulates common sense "suspect" and the basis for the arrest and detention of Petitioner…read more

Image Thursday, December 11, 2014 | 18:54 WIB | 138
Fuel Subsidy Weighs Down State Budget, Advocates Pleaded 2015 APBN Law

Three advocates filed a petition on Act of 2015 National Budgeting (APBN), their lawsuit pleaded fuel subsidy weighed down the budget. Donny Istiqomah, Andhika Dwi Cahyanto, and Radian Syam. In Trial held on Thursday (12/11), the Applicants asked…read more

Image Wednesday, December 10, 2014 | 11:22 WIB | 129
Interfaith Marriage Needs to be Retained, Experts say

Cultural and philosophy expert Rev. Franz Magnis Suseno was presented by Applicant at the judicial review hearing on Marriage Act No. 1/1974 Article 2 paragraph (1). In the trial, Magnis said that the Pancasila state, religions and beliefs…read more

Image Tuesday, December 09, 2014 | 22:24 WIB | 94
Evaluating Performance, MK Held 2014 Working Meeting

Constitutional Court held a working meeting with the theme of the implementation of tasks in 2014 and 2015. The event was held on Monday and Tuesday (8/12 and 9/12) at the Education Center of Pancasila and the Constitution,…read more

Image Monday, December 08, 2014 | 16:36 WIB | 133
Defending Nation, Reflection of Rahmatan Lil Alamin

Breezing Puncak weather failed to out-comfort the warm welcome provided by Committee for 120 Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) Directors who participated in Citizens’ Constitutional Rights Education and National Seminar Rahmatan Lil Alamin Islam.     Opened by…read more

Image Monday, December 08, 2014 | 12:40 WIB | 147
Head of Centre of Pancasila and Constitution Study Closed Pesantren Director National Seminar

 Citizens Constitutional Rights Education and National Seminar on Islamic Rahmatan LiL \'Alamin turns to leave a memorable experience for its participants. 120 leaders of Islamic boarding schools (Pesantren) throughout Indonesia who attended the closing of the National Seminar on Sunday…read more

Image Sunday, December 07, 2014 | 08:18 WIB | 152
MK Secretray-General: Nomocracy Balances Democracy

Democracy upholds the sovereignty of the people as a party that has a major position in the state system. In this system of majority rule also applies where the nature of the greatest voices will be the winner…read more