Inter-faith Marriage: PHDI and KWI Possessed Different Views

Constitutional Court (MK) held another trial to deliberate Article 2 verse 1 Act 1/1974 about Marriage, the agenda of the trial was testimonial hearing conducted on Tuesday (11/24), at MK Plenary Room. In order to glorify fairness principle, MK invited three religious groups to delivered their statement to the media frenzy judicial review.

In Deputy Chief Arief Hidayat-led trial, representatives from Indonesian Bishop Conference (KWI), Indonesian Hindu Dharma Association (PHDI), and High Council of Confucianism in Indonesia (MATAKIN), addressed their views to the stipulation of marriage which being pleaded by students and alumni of University of Indonesia.

Prompting opinion from Indonesian Communion of Churches (PGI), KWI’s representatives, Rev. Purbo Tantomo, told the Court that marriage is somehow important for the sustainable of human being. “Marriage is accomplished to delight life. Whoever we are has no power to damage God’s decision. Specifically, state is obliged to protect people’s dignity to live in pair,” he said.  

According to Purbo, state has no rights to narrow and hinder anyone who seeks for happiness because it is deemed equivalent to disrespect human rights and shredding Pancasila’s moral. “State is obliged to protect marriage and family, but the provision is proven hampering people to get married,” the Catholic Priest said.

In the opportunity, Purbo also appreciated MK to pay attention and accommodated public’s interest in such important case. MK was regarded giving some spaces for testimonial hearing to all parties that are considered representing people of Indonesia in religious perspective.

Hindu Doesn’t Recognize Inter-faith Marriage

Meanwhile, I Nengah Dana from PHDI, told that inter-faith marriage is not applauded in the teaching of Hindu. “Marriage must be preceded by a process called Wiwaha Samskara, it is a sacred ceremony led by Pandita. Thus, both groom and bride must adhere Hindu’s teaching,” I Nengah Dana said.

According to Dana, the groom and bride must possess one faith. He retained, inter-faith marriage cannot be validated and will be condemned as adultery for good. “As a repercussion, the marriage must be curbed,” he added.

However he admitted, that Indian Hindu leaves some spaces for bound inter-faith marriage. For cognate faith, such as Buddhism, Jainism, Sikh, and other Hinduism sects, marriage between worshippers may be allowed. But Indonesian Hindu does not acknowledge the rule, regarding of its sacred hereditary customs.   

Taking stance in-between, Uung Sendana from MATAKIN, said that inter-faith marriage is not the main issue, even blessing may be given for those who have already married.  

“Marriage was conducted to delight life and to sustain heredity. Different views on politics, ethnic, perspective, culture, or religion cannot hamper the sacred measures of marriage,” said the MATAKIN Deputy Chief.

However, he consented that inter-faith marriage cannot be performed in Confucianism rite.  (Winandriyo Kun)


Monday, November 24, 2014 | 15:58 WIB 143