Evaluating Performance, MK Held 2014 Working Meeting

Constitutional Court held a working meeting with the theme of the implementation of tasks in 2014 and 2015. The event was held on Monday and Tuesday (8/12 and 9/12) at the Education Center of Pancasila and the Constitution, Cisarua, Bogor.

In his speech, Chief Justice Zoelva Hamdan said there are four main points presented at the meeting, the Report of the Registrar\'s Office and the General Secretariat, the discussion draft of the Constitutional Court Regulation (PMK) and the Guidelines for Review Proceedings Act, international cooperation, as well as discussion of the Strategic Plan 2015 -2019.

Meeting was attended by Eight Constitutional Justices, Registrar, Secretary-General, Bureau Chief and Head of the Center, and all the servants of the Court. To discuss the draft guidelines for the hearing in FMD and PUU, attended the former Constitutional Justice HAS Natabaya, Harjono, and Maruarar Siahaan.

Working meeting was held to adjust MK’s commitment to uphold the principles of transparency and accountability in accordance with the principles of good governance. MK maximum efforts to provide information related to the implementation of the tasks and functions to stakeholders, in particular the Constitutional Justices.

In a report Registrar\'s Office and the Secretary General presented by the Secretary General of the Court Janejdri M. Gaffar, discussed among the number of cases being processed MK and MK Researchers task, namely to study the case, draft and legal opinions, preparing court records, and to develop the rule of law, interpretation, and the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court decision. Duties and functions are very important research, requires the researcher to have a powerful ability to help the constitutional Justices in reviewing the case. "To that end, such as the direction of the Chief, the Court will require researchers to continue their academic study to Doctoral degree ," said Janedjri.

It was also discussed the agenda which will be held on December 16, 2014, the inauguration of the Constitutional History Center, located on fifth and sixth floor of the Court, Jakarta. President Joko Widodo is scheduled to inaugurate the historical center that was built in 2013.

As for the discussion of international cooperation, quite a lot of things to do by MK, including members of the Board meeting of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC) and the international symposium in August 2015, and the Secretary-General of the members of the AACC meeting in March 2015. As reported , MKRI was elected President of the AACC MKRI period 2014-2016 based on the agreement of 13 member countries in AACCEI Congress 2nd in Istanbul, Turkey. (Lulu HanifaH/kun)

Tuesday, December 09, 2014 | 22:24 WIB 93