Image Monday, December 22, 2014 | 17:39 WIB | 90
Expert: Crime May not be Imposed to Forest Interrupter

Emeritus Constitutional Justice who is also Agriculture expert, Achmad Soliki delivered his expertise in judicial review on Deforestation Eradication Act (UU P3H) and Forestry Act trial held on Monday (22/12) at Constitutional Court (MK) Plenary Room. In his…read more

Image Monday, December 22, 2014 | 17:36 WIB | 117
Being Differed, Nigerian Drug Suspect Objected MK Law

Constitutional Court (MK) held preliminary trial of Act 24/2003 about Constitutional Court as determined in Act 8/2011 replacement Act 24/2003 on Monday (12/22). The probe was filed by Agbasi Chika, a Nigerian assisted by Didit Wijayanto, Antonius Sujata,…read more

Image Monday, December 22, 2014 | 11:52 WIB | 100
MK Staffs Commemorate National Mother\'s Day

Monday (12/22), All Constitutional Court (MK) Staffs commemorate national Mother’s Day at MK front yard. Acted as inspector of ceremony, the Court’s Clerk Kasianur Sidauruk. “Mother’s day was given birth to Indonesian national movement. Women’s role…read more

Image Friday, December 19, 2014 | 14:39 WIB | 162
President Joko Widodo Inaugurates Constitution History Centre

“This is great!” said President Joko Widodo fascinated witnessing hologram version declaration of independence read by Late President Sukarno. Joko Widodo was amongst the very first person to see the hologram showed at 5th and 6th floor of…read more

Image Friday, December 19, 2014 | 00:22 WIB | 100
Prosecution Deemed Off-Procedures, Graft Suspect Filed KUHAP Petition

Graft suspect of Jemundo Agribusiness Market Procurement (PIA), Sudarto filed judicial review on Article 1 number 10 letter a and Article 270 Act 8/1981 about Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP), as the stipulation of both norms deemed violated his Constitutional Rights.…read more

Image Friday, December 19, 2014 | 00:04 WIB | 132
Married at 16, Eschewing Adultery Amongst Teenagers, Expert says

Raising age limitation from 16 to 18 for marriage in Article 7 paragraph (1) Act 1/1974 about Marriage (Act of Marriage) will only spoil negative effects, according to Elly Risman from Buah Hati Foundation, as she told the Court as…read more

Image Wednesday, December 17, 2014 | 18:56 WIB | 109
Governor-replacing Deputy Mechanism Challenged, FPI

Lieu of Law 1/2014 about Governor, Regent, and Mayor election (Perppu Pilkada), being questioned by Habib Muhsin Ahmad Al-Attas, Head of Islam Defender Front (FPI) Committee Council.    In the preliminary hearing chaired by Deputy Chief…read more

Image Wednesday, December 17, 2014 | 18:36 WIB | 143
OJK Protects Consumers, Witnesses Say

Financial Service Authority (OJK) is needed to uphold sustainable, stable, and consumer-protecting financial system. The statement was delivered by Head of Regional Development Bank Eko Budiwiyono. Presented by OJK itself Eko explained in trial held on Wednesday (12/19)…read more

Image Tuesday, December 16, 2014 | 21:41 WIB | 108
UU ASN Challenged, Again

East Kutai civil servant Ricky Elviandi Afrizal filed a petition number 5/2014 about Civil Servant Act (UU ASN). The first hearing was held on Tuesday (12/16) at MK Plenary Room. Ricky, wired through video conference situated…read more

Image Tuesday, December 16, 2014 | 21:29 WIB | 80
Govt: Nothing Wrong with Perppu Formalities

Constitutional Court (MK) held lieu of law (Perppu) 1/2014 review trial. The issuance of Lieu of Law, in which regional executives elections is reconstructed, is condemned by some who feel it stands up against the Constitution. Session underwent…read more