Image Monday, July 14, 2014 | 15:51 WIB | 147
Applicant of Land Procurement Revises Petitum

Review Trial of Act 2/2012 about Land Procurement for Public Interest Development-case number 42/PUU-XII/2014- held in Constitutional Court (MK) on Monday (14/7) afternoon. The agenda is to comprise Pleading revision. “We cite that in the revision we’ve attached petitum revision.…read more

Image Monday, July 14, 2014 | 10:05 WIB | 266
Chief of MK: Jakarta Charter Conveyed in the Constitution

Islam as the vast majority religion in Indonesia has its values met in every single aspect of Indonesians daily life. Furthermore, Islam Law has also aspired national law. Islam law not only seen as religious entity, but also within the…read more

Image Friday, July 11, 2014 | 20:01 WIB | 128
Sailing Corporation Files Judicial Review over Income Tax Act

Constitutional Court (MK) held first Judicial Review of Act 36/2008 about Income Tax (UU PPh).  In the Aswanto-led trial, the pleading which filed by PT. Coltrans Asia ask to review over Article 23 verse (2) UU PPh. The Act was…read more

Image Friday, July 11, 2014 | 19:42 WIB | 116
Pre-trial Cassation Not Allowed, MA Act Pleaded

Noes Soediono the Applicant of Surakarta Police District Command Decree (SK) Pre-trial (Polresta) to Surakarta State Court, plead for a judicial review of cassation regulation on Supreme Court (MA) Act. The Applicant also asked whether cassation adjuration can be applied…read more

Image Friday, July 11, 2014 | 16:51 WIB | 142
B3 Waste Management Smears Law Uncertainty

Applicant of Environmental Development Act (UU PLH) Judicial Review, who also is convicted for Chevron bioremediation cases, Bachtiar Abdul Fatah presented five experts. The five cited the regulation contained law uncertainty. The pleading was delivered on Thursday (10/7) at MK…read more

Image Thursday, July 10, 2014 | 20:35 WIB | 115
Resignation Mandatory Discriminate PNS

Judicial Review Trial of State Civil Apparatus (UU ASN) which is pleaded by several Civil Servant (PNS), is held by MK, on Thursday (10/07). The agenda of the trial is revision checking for the cases which registered upon. One of…read more

Image Tuesday, July 08, 2014 | 20:25 WIB | 139
MK Held Breakfasting Gala

Constitutional Court (MK) held a breakfasting gala for all its Judges and Employees on Tuesday (8/7) at MK Hall. Head of MK, Hamdan Zoelva alongside with Judges Muhammad Alim, Wahiddudin Adams, Patrialis Akbar, Anwar Usman, and Maria Farida Indrati, Secretary…read more

Image Tuesday, July 08, 2014 | 17:15 WIB | 121
Advocate Pleads Regulation of Oath in Circuit Court

Act of Advocacy is the subject for another Judicial Review, after Ismet from Indonesian Advocate Congress (KAI) plead for Advocate’s Affair Permission. The Trial was held on Tuesday (8/7) at MK Plenary Room. In his pleading, Ismet admits that his…read more

Image Tuesday, July 08, 2014 | 17:14 WIB | 110
PKB Absent, Checking Over Opened Proportional System Delayed

Constitutional Court (MK) held another checking session of Judicial Review of Act 8/2012 about DPR, DPD, and DPRD, Tuesday (8/07). The Hamdan Zoelva-led trial had the agenda of testimonial hearing from DPR, Government, and experts. But the agenda was forfeited…read more

Image Tuesday, July 08, 2014 | 15:25 WIB | 83
KPU\'s Wtnesses Reveals Correct Votes

Monday (7/7), Constitutional Court (MK) held another checking session of Mimika Local Government disputed elections as objected by candidate number 2, Abdul Muis and Hans Magal. This time, Mimika’s KPU presents the witnesses to testify over received votes. One of…read more