Image Tuesday, July 08, 2014 | 14:53 WIB | 38
The Plaintiff of "Vote as Rights" Revises his Application

The Applicant of Act 42/2008 (UU Pilpres) and Act 8/2012 (UU Pileg) revised their Application over voters’ rights. The revision has been accepted by the Justices and will be deliberated throughout Justice Assembly Meeting (RPH). “The Applicants has revised their…read more

Image Tuesday, July 08, 2014 | 11:23 WIB | 147
Head of MK Attends State Institution Chairs Meeting

Head of Constitutional Court (MK) Hamdan Zoelva joined State Institution Chairs meeting, alongside with the President, Vice President, and other State Chairs on Monday (7/7). The meeting, titled “Creating Democratic and Constitutional Presidential Elections” was conducted to oversee 2014 Presidential…read more

Image Tuesday, July 08, 2014 | 09:41 WIB | 126
Experts: Ad Hoc Judges Part of State Official

State Administration Law Lecturer of Padjajaran University Susi Dwi Harjanti sees that ad hoc Judges need to be granted State Official status to maintain their independency and to lure them from any intervention. Susi delivered her objection in the Judicial…read more

Image Monday, July 07, 2014 | 17:26 WIB | 124
Elected Pair of Southwest Sumba Regent Revised their Application

The elected pair of Regent-Vice Regent in Southwest Sumba, Markus Dairo Talu-Ndara Tanggu Kaha revised their Judicial Review application over Regent inauguration. The trial was held on Monday (7/7) in MK Plenary Room. In the second trial, the applicant who…read more

Image Monday, July 07, 2014 | 16:13 WIB | 109
PRC Democracy and Election Researchers Visit MK

Indonesia has established its democracy and it has been nodded as one of the most advancing democracy, internationally. It is proven as Constitutional Court (MK) as the one of the most active institution for election matters, hosts a visit from…read more

Image Monday, July 07, 2014 | 12:59 WIB | 164
Head of MK: Indonesia Reveres Hybrid Law

Indonesia based its law on Custom, Sharia, and Europe’s, that included sort of law which developed in Anglo Saxon countries to comprise law of trade. While nowadays Law of Trade was developed mainly in the American soil. “The three blended…read more

Image Friday, July 04, 2014 | 10:46 WIB | 106
PHPUD Mimika: KPU Declines Plaintiff\'s Arguments

The Defendant (Mimika’s KPU) attended the Constitutional Court’s (MK) trial on Thursday (3/7), to testify over disputed regional election (pemilukada) of Mimika Region, Papua. Aside from the Defendant, several Witnesses also attended the Trial.     “The Defendant is not convicted…read more

Image Thursday, July 03, 2014 | 16:09 WIB | 77
Annulled and ineligible, MK Decides over Two Lawsuits of UU Pilpres Judicial Review

After two absences generated in the Testimonial Hearing, Constitutional Court (MK) annuls Judicial Review of Presidential Election Act (UU Pilpres) as filed by Syah Abdul Aziis. MK also declines another lawsuit filed by Sri Sudarjo for the same Act. The…read more

Image Thursday, July 03, 2014 | 16:07 WIB | 147
Single Round for 2014 Presidential Election, MK Decides

Constitutional Court grants Judicial Review over Act 42/2008 about presidential election as filed by Constitutional Lawyer Forum. The decision leads to establishment of one-round election for the 2014’S Presidential Election. “Decides and granting the Plaintiff’s lawsuit entirely,” Chief of MK…read more

Image Wednesday, July 02, 2014 | 16:42 WIB | 0
Governor Must Resign Preceding his/her Presidential Candidacy, Government\'s View

Government as represented by Legal Acts Dir. General of Law and Human Rights Ministry, Mualimin Abdi explained that Governor/Vice Governor, Regent/Mayor, and Deputy Regent/Deputy Mayor are included to define as State Official as determined on Article 122 Act of State…read more