Image Tuesday, July 22, 2014 | 12:04 WIB | 99
Expert : Ad Hoc Judges Discriminated

Ad Hoc Supreme Judges of Corruption (tipikor) Krisna Harahap sees discrimination of ad hoc judges to regular judges, as implied after Article 22 letter e Act 5/2014 about the State Civil Apparatus (UU ASN) took place. The Professor said ad…read more

Image Monday, July 21, 2014 | 23:40 WIB | 83
DPR : PKB Involved in the Act Formation

Judicial Review of Act 8/2012 about legislative elections (UU Pileg) is being deliberated in a hearing session. The hearing was conducted on Monday (21/07). The Agenda is a testimony hearing from Council of People’s Representative (DPR).…read more

Image Monday, July 21, 2014 | 19:36 WIB | 162
Sport Departments Disadvantaged by Split KOI and KONI

KONI (Indonesian Sports National Committee) and KOI (Indonesian Olympic Committee) members cited that their constitutional rights were harmed after the two joints split. It was delivered as the inspection hearing was held on Thursday (17/7) at MK Plenary Room. Two…read more

Image Monday, July 21, 2014 | 19:34 WIB | 64
After recalculation in West Halmahera, PBB\'s Votes Inflated

Monday (21/7), KPU delivered the report of MK intermediate verdict over several cases of legislative disputed elections (PHPU). Prior to it, MK has dropped a sentence for recalculation in Tual (North Maluku Province), West Java Province, Musi Rawas Region (South…read more

Image Monday, July 21, 2014 | 18:28 WIB | 124
Multi-interpreted Applied Tax, UU PPh pleaded

Act 36/2008 about Income Tax (UU PPh) is being reviewed for once again by Constitutional Court (MK) on Monday (21/7). The lawsuit, registered upon number 57/PUU-XII/2014, is filed by Supriyono, a citizen from Tangerang, Banten. In the preliminary hearing, the…read more

Monday, July 21, 2014 | 18:27 WIB | 83
KPU Jambi : Golkar\'s Vote Stays the Same

General Elections Committee (KPU) of Jambi Province completed Constitutional Court (MK) advice to recalculate election’s result in one Voting Station (TPS). The decision was dropped for Golkar’s pleading. It determined to take recalculation undergo in TPS 10, Tuo village, Lembah…read more

Monday, July 21, 2014 | 18:25 WIB | 173
Head of MK : Our Independence Unconditional

Civil Society Coalition (Koalisi Masyarakat Sipil) paid a visit to Constitutional Court (MK) on Monday (21/7). The Coalition, which bantered as “Koalisi Masyarakat Permanen” (Permanent Society Coalition, modest bon mot to prominent Parliament’s “Permanent Coalition”), consists several NGO as follow,…read more

Monday, July 21, 2014 | 18:23 WIB | 76
Sampang\'S Elections Result, Nasdem Finds a DPRD Seat

National Democratic Party’s (Nasdem) pleading to take reelection undergone may be proceeding to a success. Recalculation in Sampang results a seat of DPRD region for the Surya Paloh-led party. Intermediate decision upon number 01-01-16/PHPU-DPR-DPRD/XII/2014, ordered KPU to undergo a reelection…read more

Image Friday, July 18, 2014 | 20:47 WIB | 168
Chairs of State Institutions Ensure KPU and MK Independent

General Election Commission (KPU) is still calculating on the result of presidential election, tiered from the Voting Station (TPS) to national level. In accordance to it, the President several State institution executives committed to maintain KPU and Constitutional Court (MK)…read more

Image Friday, July 18, 2014 | 10:55 WIB | 86
Must Resign Before Nominating Political Position, Civil Servant from Papua Pleads over ASN Act

Regulation in which states that Civil Servant (PNS) must resign from office before applying for political position is seen as unconstitutional. Eduard Nunaki, PNS from Papua pleads a judicial review of Article 119 and 123 verse (3) Article 5/2014 about…read more