Civil Society Coalition (Koalisi Masyarakat Sipil) paid a visit to Constitutional Court (MK) on Monday (21/7). The Coalition, which bantered as “Koalisi Masyarakat Permanen” (Permanent Society Coalition, modest bon mot to prominent Parliament’s “Permanent Coalition”), consists several NGO as follow, Kontras (Commission for Missing People and Victim of Violence) , ICW (Indonesian Corruption Watch) , Migrant Care, Konsorsium Pembangunan (Development Consortioum), Walhi (Indonesian Forum for The Evironment), Pusat Studi Hukum dan Demokrasi (Centre of Law and Democracy Study), dan Yayasan Setara (Equal Foundation).
“Our visit is meant to assure that MK is still upholding its impartiality, independence, and integrity. The institution to which people seeking an ultimate justice,” said the Delegation Coordinator, Romo (Father) Benny Susetyo.
In the meeting, the visiting side was welcomed by Hamdan Zoelva and MK’s Secretary-general Janedjri M. Gaffar. The meeting itself went warmly after some of the delegations broke the ice to fluid the ambience due to their acquaintance to Hamdan Zoelva.
Disputed Presidential Elections
MK must maintain people’s trust due to its position as the last stronghold of Justice in Indonesia and the current occurrence of presidential elections must be utilized as momentum. “We want MK to maintain its integrity by proving throughout just, independent, and factual completion of disputed elections, freed from any intervention,” said the man who is also a Catholic Priest.
Haris Azhar, Coordinator of Kontras and Ade Irawan, Coordinator of ICW also delivered similar things. “We hope MK maintains its role as the place where justice-seeking people belong to and to regain people’s trust by doing well in this event of Presidential Elections,” Ade Irawan said.
Current Presidential Elections’ tension is drumming up as several sides heat up issues of impartiality over some institutions.
Hamdan Zoelva himself spoke up of his opinion to the presidential elections. “I guarantee, all of our Judges are freed from any intervention, even for some of us who were once parties’ members. Our independence is a dead end and a non-bargained matter,” Hamdan said. He also retained that his commitment is always on democracy progress, just like of what he has done in reformation transition, Constitution Amendment, and MK formation.
“Indonesia is proceeding into advanced democracy, it must be guarded. I will always commit on it, maybe one day we might switch place,” he said. He also said that any former Judge can’t also interfere the hearing, saying they’re all now common citizen. “Even former Justice or President can’t interfere, nothing special. All of lawyers have already known how MK works,” he retained. He also cited that MK is ready to face disputed presidential elections.(Winandriyo Kun/mh/kun)
Monday, July 21, 2014 | 18:25 WIB 171