Tuesday, July 22, 2014 | 21:58 WIB |
Constitutional Court officially opened the registration of Disputed Presidential Election lawsuit on Tuesday July 22, 2014 at 9:04 PM. The opening was marked with sirens blowing by MK Clerk Kasianur Sidauruk.
According to Act 24/2003 which was switched to Act…read more
Monday, July 21, 2014 | 18:25 WIB |
Civil Society Coalition (Koalisi Masyarakat Sipil) paid a visit to Constitutional Court (MK) on Monday (21/7). The Coalition, which bantered as “Koalisi Masyarakat Permanen” (Permanent Society Coalition, modest bon mot to prominent Parliament’s “Permanent Coalition”), consists several NGO as follow,…read more
Friday, July 18, 2014 | 20:47 WIB |
General Election Commission (KPU) is still calculating on the result of presidential election, tiered from the Voting Station (TPS) to national level. In accordance to it, the President several State institution executives committed to maintain KPU and Constitutional Court (MK)…read more
Wednesday, July 16, 2014 | 18:45 WIB |
The possibility of protest and objection drumming up after exclaimed presidential election which happened lately. Constitutional Court, as the institution to involve in the circumstance, held coordination meeting of Presidential Disputed Election (PHPU Presiden) alongside with General Election Commission (KPU),…read more
Monday, July 14, 2014 | 10:05 WIB |
Islam as the vast majority religion in Indonesia has its values met in every single aspect of Indonesians daily life. Furthermore, Islam Law has also aspired national law. Islam law not only seen as religious entity, but also within the…read more
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 | 20:25 WIB |
Constitutional Court (MK) held a breakfasting gala for all its Judges and Employees on Tuesday (8/7) at MK Hall. Head of MK, Hamdan Zoelva alongside with Judges Muhammad Alim, Wahiddudin Adams, Patrialis Akbar, Anwar Usman, and Maria Farida Indrati, Secretary…read more
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 | 11:23 WIB |
Head of Constitutional Court (MK) Hamdan Zoelva joined State Institution Chairs meeting, alongside with the President, Vice President, and other State Chairs on Monday (7/7). The meeting, titled “Creating Democratic and Constitutional Presidential Elections” was conducted to oversee 2014 Presidential…read more
Monday, July 07, 2014 | 16:13 WIB |
Indonesia has established its democracy and it has been nodded as one of the most advancing democracy, internationally. It is proven as Constitutional Court (MK) as the one of the most active institution for election matters, hosts a visit from…read more
Monday, July 07, 2014 | 12:59 WIB |
Indonesia based its law on Custom, Sharia, and Europe’s, that included sort of law which developed in Anglo Saxon countries to comprise law of trade. While nowadays Law of Trade was developed mainly in the American soil.
“The three blended…read more
Tuesday, June 24, 2014 | 18:13 WIB |
Constitutional Court hosts Malaysian Monitoring Team’s visit on Tuesday (24/6) in MK Meeting Room. In the opportunity, Head of Protocol and Public Relations Bureau Budi Djohari welcomed the visiting side. The visit was meant to look up after MK’s progress.…read more