Head of Constitutional Court (MK) Hamdan Zoelva joined State Institution Chairs meeting, alongside with the President, Vice President, and other State Chairs on Monday (7/7). The meeting, titled “Creating Democratic and Constitutional Presidential Elections” was conducted to oversee 2014 Presidential Elections.
Chief of MPR, Sidarto Danusobroto, who acted as the host delivered some agreements conveyed within the meeting. All of the Chairs agreed to fully support the one-rounded elections, to be held democratically, constitutionally, peaceful and solid.
Another point is to suggest the people to succeed the election by participating in the voting, give their vote to directly choose the presidential candidate and stand along to monitor the recap.
President, Vice President, and the Chairs also agreed to respect MK’s decision over latter one-round Presidential Elections considering effectiveness and efficiency of the event.
Meanwhile, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) in his speech delivered all people in Indonesia to give their vote to legit the best men to be chosen as the President and Vice President. SBY urged to maintain peaceful situation and thanked to all officers to their commitment in keeping the last elections safe.
SBY also asked the media to become a solution due to their main role in balancing people’s opinion and maintaining the climate down. Mass media is regarded to prop democracy in Indonesia.(Ilham/mh/kun)
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 | 11:23 WIB 146