MK Officially Open Disputed Elections Registration

Constitutional Court officially opened the registration of Disputed Presidential Election lawsuit on Tuesday July 22, 2014 at 9:04 PM. The opening was marked with sirens blowing by MK Clerk Kasianur Sidauruk.

According to Act 24/2003 which was switched to Act 8/2011 and Constitutional Court Law number 4/2014, the registration period will due after 3x24 hours, benchmarking General Elections Commission (KPU) announcement nationally. Therefore, the due will be on July 25, 2014 at 9:04 PM.

Kasianur said that MK will prepare apparatuses and supporting staffs in order to anticipate overwhelming cases just like what happened during the current legislative PHPU. “Since MK open the registration, we always ready at anytime to receive the lawsuit in 3x24 hours,” he said at the Lobby, Tuesday (22/7).

Moreover, he explained that if only there was incomplete formal requirement, MK will give another 1x24 hours to complete the lawsuit after the due time, hence, the revision period will due on Saturday, July 26, 2014.   

After completing their lawsuits, MK will book them in a file of constitutional registered case (BRPK) and deliver the copy to KPU and any other related parties. “Three days after BPRK been registered, MK will held the first trial on August 6, 2014,”he added.(Lulu Hanifah/mh/kun)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014 | 21:58 WIB 149