The elected pair of Regent-Vice Regent in Southwest Sumba, Markus Dairo Talu-Ndara Tanggu Kaha revised their Judicial Review application over Regent inauguration. The trial was held on Monday (7/7) in MK Plenary Room.
In the second trial, the applicant who represented by his Attorney, Robinson, explained that he has revised the pleadings after added another Article to be reviewed, Article 111 verse (2) Act 32/2004 about Local Government (UU Pemda). “Therefore, We felt a legal absence in the Article after no time limitation was determined, the losing Applicant may use another lane, through State Administration Court for instance,” he said to the Assembly of Justice, led by Judge Maria Farida Indrati.
In its pleading, the Applicant explained that his Constitutional Rights were harmed by the validity of Article 109 verse (4) and Article 111 verse (2) Act 32/2004 UU Pemda. The Applicant cited that Southwest Sumba’s DPRD has urged the inauguration to Minister of Home. But reportedly, it was someone else’s name that being applied by the Governor, resulting in annulment of the validated inauguration. It was applied thrice, but none of them took place to be responded.
The Applicant stated that the election was won by him, as contained in the Recap News Event dated August 10, 2013, Supported by MK decision upon 103/PHPU.D-XI/2013, in which declining Kornelius Kodi Mete-Daud Lende Umbo Moto’s application. The recommendation was further delivered to Southwest Sumba’s DPRD.
Up to the Application took place, the recommendation had gone nowhere and no respond is likely to be delivered by the Governor. Therefore, the Applicant argues that phrase of “By Governor’s agreement” has harmed his Constitutional Rights and smeared law uncertainty. According to the Applicant, there must be a time limitation for Governor to execute the DPRD’s recommendation. (Lulu Anjarsari/mh)
Monday, July 07, 2014 | 17:26 WIB 124