Image Tuesday, October 21, 2014 | 21:17 WIB | 68
Experts: Defying DPD, UU MD3 Reluctant to MK\'s Decision

After testimonial hearing from the government and DPR (People’s Representative Council), Regional Legislative Council (DPD) as the petitioner presented two experts on Tuesday’s hearing (10/21), namely Refly Harun and Ronald Rofiandri. Refly explained that UU MD3 was formulated to defy…read more

Image Tuesday, October 21, 2014 | 19:02 WIB | 117
Applicants: 7-18 years old, Subject to Compulsory Education

Network Education Watch, Society and Pesantren Development Association, 8 legal institutions, and five Indonesia citizens, that incorporated in 12-year compulsory Advocates Team revised petition of 9-year compulsory team. Ridwan Darmawan, the Attorney, delivered the fixed points in the following hearing…read more

Image Tuesday, October 21, 2014 | 15:15 WIB | 128
MK Chief Justice: MK Takes part in Political and Law Reform

Constitutional Court (MK) Chief Justice Hamdan Zoelva became keynote speaker in National Seminar entitled “Implementation and Implication of Constitutional Court’s verdict in Indonesia” held in Indonesia Christian University on Tuesday (10/21) in Jakarta. “Implementation was interpreted as a process to…read more

Image Tuesday, October 21, 2014 | 15:14 WIB | 135
Appreciating Indonesian Democracy, Dutch Minister of State Visits MKRI

Law and Judiciary development here in Indonesia are glued to the history that stacking the body. The Dutch (European Continental) whose law being adopted by the Indonesia to date, can always be related to development of legal matters in Indonesia.…read more

Image Tuesday, October 21, 2014 | 13:33 WIB | 133
Bolstering Motivation and Cooperation through Harmony

Hundreds of Constitutional Courts staffs hanged their daily white and black uniforms, replacing them with leisure polo shirts as they left MK building to move ahead Bogor. Chief Justice Hamdan Zoelva and Secretary-general Janedjri M. Gaffar are not exceptional, alongside…read more

Image Tuesday, October 21, 2014 | 11:15 WIB | 107
UU Pilkada Review, Plaintiffs Eyeing Perpu Issuance

Preliminary Trial about regional government election (UU Pemilukada) was held at Constitutional Court on Monday (20/10). The Plaintiff is Samulia Indra who was accompanied by his attorneys. The hearing was led by Justice Arief Hidayat. “Thank you, your petition has…read more

Image Monday, October 20, 2014 | 18:43 WIB | 115
Purwakarta DPRD Member to Proceed the Petition

DPRD members from Musi Rawas and Lahat Region who petitioned UU MD3 judicial review, eventually revoked their lawsuit. Their attorney, Denny Rudini declared the statement on Monday (10/20) at MK Hearing Room. Meanwhile , Purwakarta DPRD member decided to process…read more

Image Monday, October 20, 2014 | 18:42 WIB | 137
UU MA Judicial Review: Plaintiffs Revised Petition

Constitutional Court (MK) held another revision trial of judicial review on Act 5/2004 about Supreme Court. The Plaintiff, Dwi Hertanty, represented by Robert Paruhum. Panel consists of Muhammad Alim, Arief Hidayat, and Wahiduddin Adams. “You may delivered the point of…read more

Image Friday, October 17, 2014 | 09:46 WIB | 99
Experts: Early Marriage Stimulates Mental and Health Issues

Two cases of Marriage were being reviewed simultaneously on Thursday (10/16) at MK Plenary Room (MK). The Applicants accentuated their arguments by presenting some experts, Fransisca Handy, a Pediatrician, and Maria Ulfah Anshor as KPAI Commissioner. Both said that early…read more

Image Thursday, October 16, 2014 | 22:07 WIB | 118
Experts: UU TPPU Without Doubt Confirms the Constitution.

Testimonial Hearing from Related Parties and Government Experts were held to deliberate judicial review on Act 8/2010 (UU TPPU) on Thursday (10/16) at MK Plenary room. PPATK, Anti Money Laundering Society, and Judicial Crime Reform Society attended the trial which…read more