Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) is one of the major milestones in Indonesian education. Muslims who are part of the 86% of Indonesia\'s population, of many rely boarding as well as the seat to deepen religious knowledge. Not a few alumni of the boarding school that were later involved in the establishment of the state, from the beginning of this country was formed until now the system of this country has been run independently for nearly 70 years.
It was said by the Chief Justice Hamdan Zoelva during the opening "Citizens Constitutional Rights Education and National Seminar on Islamic Education Rahmatan Lil \'Alamin" for Pesantren Director all over Indonesia, Friday (12/5) night. The event was held for three days, 5-7 December 2014 at the Center of Pancasila and Constitution Study, Cisarua, Bogor.
Furthermore Hamdan added, although part with majority status, Muslims not necessarily be arbitrary ruler over the life of the state. Implementation of the rights of Muslims at all should not harm the Constitution and the rights of other groups which are also seen as an important component in the country. "Keep in mind, Indonesia is not an Islamic state, but also not secular. The country upholds religious values and that means respecting the rights of other religious groups, as well as keeping in touch with co-exist, we want a peaceful state of Rahmatan Lil Alamin, "said Hamdan.
Hamdan also cited that the state system in reform era has changed compared to previous eras. All those who wish to improve the state can exercise its right to contribute and it will be accommodated by the state. According to Hamdan, there are two ways every citizen can do to contribute in order improve national living. "The first is through a complaint of Constitutional Rights, anyone who feels their constitutional rights violated and felt there was a rule that causes this, please file lawsuit to the Constitutional Court. Anyone will be served and we consider his request, "Hamdan said in the event accompanied by the Secretary General of the Court, Janedjri M. Gaffar.
"The second is through democracy, remember Muslims are the majority in Indonesia. Democracy itself adheres to majority rule, Muslims do not need to feel inferior living in this state. If there is that we deem inappropriate, does not need to be radical or use violence against the non-compliance. All existing rules and the interests of Muslims would have to be accommodated by the state, "said Hamdan.
Meanwhile the Minister of Religion, Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, who also attended the opening, said that Islam in Indonesia should remember its true identity as a Muslim who grew up in the ethnic diversity, culture, and religion. "Keep in mind, we grow in diversity, identity needs to be maintained so that we are not deprived of this fact. Muslims in Indonesia need of understanding the Constitution and philosophy of the state because this country has actually put values and religious norms in the proper place, "said Lukman.
The event of Citizens Constitutional Rights Education and National Seminar on Islamic Education is itself a follow-up of MoU signed by the Court and the Ministry of Religion Affairs. The new event which takes place for the first time, is expected to become an annual event that gives a positive impact to form a cadre of religious Muslims who are able to put themselves in the life of the state. (Winandriyo Kun)
Saturday, December 06, 2014 | 09:56 WIB 122