Image Wednesday, June 19, 2013 | 18:05 WIB | 148
Court Holds Dispute of Election Result of Kudus Regency

Preliminary hearing Electoral Dispute Regional Head (PHPU) Kudus Regency, 2013 - Case No. 66 and 67/PHPU.D-XI/2013 - held by the Constitutional Court (MK), Wednesday (19/6) afternoon. Petitioner 66 is Muhammad Tamzil and Asyrofi as candidate No. 1, accompanied by legal…read more

Image Wednesday, June 19, 2013 | 17:50 WIB | 115
Petitioner Expert : Cooperative Must Involve Society

Cooperatives as part of economic democracy should involve the community, not pursed in a community group like today. This was stated by Ahmad Erani Yustika as Petitioner Experts as the case with No. 28/PUU-XI/2013 in the trial which took place…read more

Image Wednesday, June 19, 2013 | 17:48 WIB | 180
Twelve Institutes Reviewing Birth Registration Conditions Revised Petition

The Constitutional Court (MK) held hearing on judicial review of Act on Civil Registration Act filed by the Commission for Child Protection (KPAI), Modern Diakonia Campus Foundation, and Elsafan Foundation, and several other independent institutions all of which amounted to…read more

Image Wednesday, June 19, 2013 | 17:37 WIB | 126
Dispute of Election Result of NTT: Applicant Witness Reveal Underage Kids Voting

The Constitutional Court (MK) held hearings in Election Case of East Nusa Tenggara Province petitioned by Esthon L Foenay and Edmundus Tallo, Wednesday (19/6). At this meeting, Petitioner presented witnesses revealed the presence of underage voters prove the arguments presented…read more

Image Wednesday, June 19, 2013 | 17:35 WIB | 164
Antasari Affirms still an Active Attorney while on Litigation

Constitutional Court resumed the trial testing of Article 8, paragraph (5) of Act 16 of 2004 on the Prosecutor filed by former Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Antasari Azhar and Governmental Organization (NGO) Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) represented…read more

Image Wednesday, June 19, 2013 | 17:33 WIB | 165
Akil Mochtar Attends Friendship of West Kalimantan Family Association

Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) M. Akil Mochtar attended the celebration event and Hospitality Association of Families of West Kalimantan (IKKB) of Greater Jakarta, Tuesday (18/6) at Balai Kartini, Jakarta. Present on the occasion among others Coordinating Minister…read more

Image Wednesday, June 19, 2013 | 10:47 WIB | 103
Dispute of Election Result of Malang City: Related Party Witnesses Describe Doorprize Distribution

Three witnesses of Candidate Mochamad Anton-Sutiaji (Related Party) attended the hearing dispute election of regional head of Malang City, Wednesday (19/6) at Meeting Room Panel. They were Yudo Prihanto, Hari Yulianto, and Ovan Tri Winarno. On that occasion, Yudo Prihanto…read more

Image Wednesday, June 19, 2013 | 09:58 WIB | 114
Dispute of Election Result of Malang City: Malang City Election Commission Submitted Answers

Attorney of General Election Commission (KPU) Malang, Syamsul Huda, delivering answers in the trial court Respondent disputes the results of the general election of regional head of Malang City, Tuesday (18/6) at Meeting Panel. The petition filed by Mayor Candidate…read more

Image Tuesday, June 18, 2013 | 18:40 WIB | 129
Argument Unproven, Bima City Election Dispute to be Rejected

Dispute of election result of Bima City eventually rejected in 2013 the Constitutional Court (MK) pronunciation of the verdict in the trial, Tuesday (18/6) afternoon. According to the Court, a variety of Petitioners’ argument is groundless and not legally proven.…read more

Image Tuesday, June 18, 2013 | 18:35 WIB | 147
Court States Sarimuda-Nelly Rasdiana Objection Cannot be Registered

The Constitutional Court held a hearing in the matter of pronunciation provisions Number 42/PHPU.D-XI/2013 concerning Dispute of Election Result of Palembang City Election, Tuesday (18/6) at the Plenary Court. In the writ, the Court stated objection and cancellation petition filed…read more