Preliminary hearing Electoral Dispute Regional Head (PHPU) Kudus Regency, 2013 - Case No. 66 and 67/PHPU.D-XI/2013 - held by the Constitutional Court (MK), Wednesday (19/6) afternoon. Petitioner 66 is Muhammad Tamzil and Asyrofi as candidate No. 1, accompanied by legal counsel Syratman Usman, et al. No matter the applicant while. 67 is couple number 3, H. Erdi Nurkito and H. Anang Fahmi. Panel of judges is consisting of Hamdan Zoelva (Chairman), Muhammad Alim and Anwar Usman (Member).
In the trial, the Petitioner filed a petition. Among them, the offense is structured, massive and systematic implementation during Kudus Regency General Election 2013 that affects votes.
Petitioner also argues that the calculations made by the Respondent (Holy Regency) resulting from an election process against the principle of the overflow and fair elections.
Further, Petitioner argues that the incumbent candidate No. 4 (Mustofa and Abdul Hamid) is an incumbent regent misuse of authority by deploying civil servants and government administrators Kudus, ordered by the organizers of the government to present and support the incumbent regent is actually a covert campaign.
Next, Petitioner argues that the practice of money politics by the pair number 4 and abuses in the use of Revenue and Expenditure (Budget).
In addition, according to the Petitioner, the Respondent Party is not transparent in the process of counting recapitulation Holy District Election results 2013. Because Respondent did not want to show the data from the DPT voters turn out to vote, whether present using KTP and families, as well as voters who moved TPS.
Before the trial ended, the judges asked the Petitioner Case No. 66 and 67 in order to prepare the witnesses for the next hearing. While the Respondent Party requested to provide information, as well as presenting the witnesses requested.
"The trial was postponed, continued on Thursday, June 20, 2013," the chairperson said, Judge Hamdan Zoelva. (Nano Tresna Arfana)
Wednesday, June 19, 2013 | 18:05 WIB 148