Cooperatives as part of economic democracy should involve the community, not pursed in a community group like today. This was stated by Ahmad Erani Yustika as Petitioner Experts as the case with No. 28/PUU-XI/2013 in the trial which took place on Wednesday (19/6).
"Economic democracy is understood as the production as a member of the public ownership, which means that people have a leadership role in the economy," he said.
According to Erani, Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution could be a complete guide to the economy and provide guidelines on the brightly lit intimation to the government to regulate natural resources. In the process of running the economy, further Erani, the essence of it is set in Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution.
"The public should also be involved in production activities as a form of participation in the first level. But in reality, society just got a bit role so contrary to Article 2 of the 1945 Constitution. Economic democracy also has capital and not to production tapers to just one group of society as it is today," he said.
Meanwhile, other experts applicant, Muhammad Ali Intercession explain the development of the national economy that tend capitalist, dependent on foreign capital and inequality raises welfare. Economic democracy should be in accordance with Article 33 paragraph (4) states that "the national economy be conducted in accordance with the principles of economic democracy, equitable efficiency, sustainability, environmental friendliness, independence, and balancing economic progress and national unity".
"Article 33 paragraph (4) is actually able to fence off the economic inequality, capitalistic, and others. Of it, there was no change in the understanding of economic principles based on common ground," he said.
In the trial, there were also witnesses the applicant R. Nugroho of Cooperative Joyoboyo, Kediri. Nugroho feel disadvantaged by the enactment clause test proposed by the Applicant. Joyoboyo Cooperative is a cooperative savings and loan business and shopping. He was worried about the presence of the Cooperatives Act Cooperatives Joyoboyo must break the applicable legal entity into three legal entities, the savings and Loan Corporation, shopping and business services. "Solving the legal entity will be owned capital must be divided Cooperative Joyoboyo. It’s not easy. In addition, this solution will weaken the capital," he said.
In a previous trial, several cooperatives in East Java recorded as the applicant in this case, including the Indonesian Civil Servants Cooperative Association (GKPRI) East Java, Central Village Unit Cooperatives (Puskud) East Java, East Java Women’s Cooperative Centre (Puskowanjati), Center Cooperative An-Nisa ‘East Java, Central Cooperative BUEKA Assakinah East Java Indonesian Dairy Cooperatives Association, and several individual applicant. In the main petition, the applicant objected to Article 1 paragraph 1, Article 50 paragraph (1), Article 55 paragraph (1), Article 56 paragraph (1), Article 66, Article 67, Article 68, Article 69, Article 70, Article 71, Article 72, Article 73, Article 74, Article, 75, Article 76, Article 77, Article 80, Article 82, and Article 83 of Law No. 17 of 2012 on Cooperatives (Cooperatives Act). According to the applicant, the articles of a quo had violated their constitutional rights as guaranteed by Article 28C Paragraph (2), Article 28D Paragraph (2), Article 28H Paragraph (4), and Article 33 Paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution. (Lulu Anjarsari)
Wednesday, June 19, 2013 | 17:50 WIB 116