Monday, April 07, 2014 | 21:59 WIB |
Petition from Desri Ayunda and James Hellyward in case number 7/PHPU.D-XII/2014 , Election Results Dispute case ( PHPU ) Regional Head of Padang City rejected the Constitutional Court ( MK ) . In the pronunciation of the verdict which the…read more
Monday, April 07, 2014 | 07:14 WIB |
Eastern Regional Constitutional Debate Competition was officially opened by Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Arief Hidayat at the Multipurpose Hall of the Faculty of Law of the University of Udayana . The opening ceremony was attended by the…read more
Friday, April 04, 2014 | 20:47 WIB |
Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court ( MK ) Hamdan Zoelva held a press conference to straighten out the news about the Constitutional Court Decision No. 83/PUU-XI/2013 which granted the request of the victims of the Lapindo mud , Friday…read more
Friday, April 04, 2014 | 20:45 WIB |
Democracy is government of the people , for the people , and executed with the people . In the concept of democratic governance , accountability to the people is very important . Therefore , the role of higher education to…read more
Thursday, April 03, 2014 | 20:41 WIB |
The Constitutional Court ( MK ) gives time for two years and six months to the Parliament and the government to formulate and ratify the Law of Insurance Form Joint Venture . It was decided at a hearing pronunciation judicial…read more
Thursday, April 03, 2014 | 20:01 WIB |
Head of Research and Development of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights , as well as Acting . Director General Regulation Legislation of Ministry of Law and Human Rights Mualimin Abdi as government representatives declared that Article 16 and…read more
Thursday, April 03, 2014 | 19:43 WIB |
The Constitutional Court ( MK ) granted the petition to review Election Law of Parliament filed by the Company providers count quickly ( quick count ) election within the Association of Indonesian Public Opinion Survey . " Court’s authority to…read more
Thursday, April 03, 2014 | 19:38 WIB |
The Constitutional Court decided to grant judicial review of Law no. 2/2011 on Political Parties - Case No. 100/PUU-XI/2013 - the pronunciation of the trial verdict filed by Basuki Agus Suparno , et al , Thursday ( 3/4 ) which…read more
Thursday, April 03, 2014 | 18:44 WIB |
The Constitutional Court ( MK ) was formed to keep democracy in accordance with the constitution . It is delivered by the Constitutional Court judge Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi who receives students’ visit from the Erasmus School of Law , Erasmus…read more
Thursday, April 03, 2014 | 18:43 WIB |
A minimum age limit of 16 years for women to get married , as stipulated in Article 7 paragraph ( 1 ) of the Act No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage , the material tested by the Foundation for Women’s…read more