Image Thursday, September 04, 2014 | 17:57 WIB | 121
IDI Asks for Medical Legal Protection

Article 66 verse (3) Act 29/2004 about Medical Practice could prompt uncertainty for the doctors to undergo their duties and may spur defensive medicine, a circumstance of medical practice that puts the doctors to play safe to shun from patient’s…read more

Image Thursday, September 04, 2014 | 13:49 WIB | 112
Rape Suspect Pleads KUHAP Prejudicial Regulation, again

Suspect of rape attempt Sanusi Wiradinata felt that his Constitutional Rights were harmed by the ruling of Article 77 letter a Act 8/1981 about Criminal Procedures Code (KUHAP). Represented by his attorney, Yudi Anton Rikmadani, The Plaintiff sees that the…read more

Image Thursday, September 04, 2014 | 13:46 WIB | 107
Pemilukada Review Hearing Halted

Judicial Review over local executive elections (pemilukada) regulations as contained in Act 12/2008 and Act 15/2011 was halted. The schedule collided with another agenda of Officials meeting held in DPR on Wednesday (9/3). Dir. Gen. of regulations Human Rights and…read more

Image Wednesday, September 03, 2014 | 20:03 WIB | 122
APKASI Pleaded for Forest and Spatial Planning Regulations

Association of Indonesian Regency Administrations (APKASI) filed three Acts simultaneously to Constitutional Court (MK). The three Acts are, Forestry Act, Local Government Act, and Spatial Planning Act. Preliminary trial of which was handled on Wednesday (9/3) at MK plenary room.…read more

Image Tuesday, September 02, 2014 | 20:21 WIB | 61
Phrases "Sports Committee" in Act of Sports Refer to KONI

KONI (Indonesian National Sport Committee) as the Applicant of National Sport System Act (UU SKN) Judicial Review, presented two experts, namely, AS Natabaya and TH Andari Yurikosari. Both experts shared their expertise to accentuate Applicant’s argument in which says phrases…read more

Image Tuesday, September 02, 2014 | 18:23 WIB | 107
MK Secretary-general Explains MK\'s 2015 Budgeting in DPR

Constitutional Court (MK) Secretary-general Janedjri M. Gaffar attended Testimonial Meeting (RDP) with People’s Representative Council (DPR) Commission 3. The meeting was held in Nusantara Building II, on Tuesday (9/2). Towards the legislative members, Janedjri delivered MK’s report concerning of MK…read more

Image Tuesday, September 02, 2014 | 18:22 WIB | 119
Hamdan Zoelva Proud by Indonesia Successful Democracy

Smooth and rather peaceful election process spurs special attention from Chief Justice Hamdan Zoelva. In Bima Family Halal Bihalal (Post-iedul Fitri Gathering), last Monday (8/31), Hamdan Zoelva said that he is proud by the success of recent elections.   As…read more

Image Tuesday, September 02, 2014 | 17:59 WIB | 90
Desired to Use Garuda, Act of Symbol being Tested

Act 24/2009 about Flag, Language, State Symbol, and National Anthem (Act of State Symbols) is being reviewed by Constitutional Court (MK) on Monday (9/3) at MK Plenary Room. The Act was pleaded by Law and Constitutional Study Forum, represented by…read more

Image Tuesday, September 02, 2014 | 17:58 WIB | 111
KAHMI Appreciate MK\'s Pivot to Regain Trust

Chief Justice Hamdan Zoelva welcomed his peers who are incorporated in KAHMI (Islam Student League Alumni Corps) at MK Delegation Room, Tuesday (9/2). The meeting was begun with small talks due to their well acquaintance. KAHMI paid a visit to…read more

Image Tuesday, September 02, 2014 | 15:33 WIB | 114
Tiered Recap being Pleaded

Tiered recap regulation in the presidential elections (pilpres), determined in Article 131 to Article 156 Act 42/2008 about Presidential elections (UU Pilpres) is condemned to disadvantage voters and participating candidates. Several citizens applied for Judicial Review over the ruling regulation.…read more