Smooth and rather peaceful election process spurs special attention from Chief Justice Hamdan Zoelva. In Bima Family Halal Bihalal (Post-iedul Fitri Gathering), last Monday (8/31), Hamdan Zoelva said that he is proud by the success of recent elections.
As a law expert, who pays attention to the development of democracy worldwide, he compared the process of our recent election to others’ in which repeatedly sprung conflict. “Many countries failed in their effort of striving democracy. Their elections lack of people’s legitimacy, encompassing problem and chaotic condition,” Hamdan said to the residents of Lombok.
Hamdan cited for what happened in Middle East, might as well in Thailand, in which the people declared distrust for the process of their election. Indonesia, in spite of its cultural richness, has always accomplished its election well. “Whereas, those countries have no complicated tribes issue like we do. As a nation with biggest muslim populations, they are wondering how we blend Islam to successful democracy,” He added.
In the event which was also attended by Vice Governor Muhammad Amin, Hamdan retained that according to theories of democracy, every state which applies democratic system has to go through first stage of democratic consolidation. This preliminary stage was built on tenuous basis, still vulnerable to any threat. If the stage was passed, it’s safe to say that the country will be seeing healthy democracy to its future. Otherwise, dire rule of failed government would come into effect.
Hamdan explained that he was appointed during democracy consolidation, he was trusted to lead MK after the Court stood on its nadir, due to the its former chair’s wrongdoing. “It was hard for me, MK’s reputation sunk into an abyss and I was trusted to refuel people’s faith in the Court. Definitely not an easy job,” Hamdan said remembering the tough period.
He remembered the first day he filled the post, “I asked my relatives to pray for me, pray so that I can carry the mandate at my best. Apparently, many people whom I don’t acquaint, pray for me as well. Praise God, their prayers boosted my faith in having the duty accomplished,” Hamdan said expressing his gratitude.(Agung Sumarna/mh/kun)
Tuesday, September 02, 2014 | 18:22 WIB 117