Pemilukada Review Hearing Halted

Judicial Review over local executive elections (pemilukada) regulations as contained in Act 12/2008 and Act 15/2011 was halted. The schedule collided with another agenda of Officials meeting held in DPR on Wednesday (9/3).

Dir. Gen. of regulations Human Rights and Law Ministry, Mualimin Abdi couldn’t attend the hearing due to his agenda in accompanying Minister Amir Syamsudin for a meeting in DPR. “We are asking a dispensation to halt the hearing, Your Majesty,” Budijono said.          

In the pleading, the Plaintiffs argued the equivocal pemilukada regulation. Article 56 verse (1) of Regional Government Act (UU Pemda) and Article 1 number 4 Election Accomplishment Act (UU Penyelenggaraan Pemilu) are seen to oppose 1945 Constitution. Both Articles are pleaded by Constitutional and Law Study Forum and several individual Plaintiffs.   

Ryan Mohammad, Plaintiffs’ representative, explained that Article 56 verse (1) Regional Government Act and Article 1 number 4 Election Accomplishment Act oppose Article 18 verse (4) 1945 Constitution, because none of them retain “directly elected” phrase, instead the phrase implied in limited way by citing “democratically elected”. “Both Articles defy legal principles in legal norms,” he said.

Moreover, Ryan states that the pemilukada isn’t included in Article 22E verse (2) 1945 Constitution. As the Articles cites that the fair and clean election is the national five-year mill election.(Lulu Anjarsari/kun)

Thursday, September 04, 2014 | 13:46 WIB 107