Image Tuesday, May 08, 2012 | 21:03 WIB | 28
Witness Reveal ID Data Differences with Voter List of West Aceh District Election

Eight candidate’s regent / deputy regent of West Aceh, Aceh province who filed disputes regional head elections (Election) to the Constitutional Court, today, Tuesday (08/05/2012), to produce witnesses to testify at the trial Court. The trial for the third time…read more

Image Tuesday, May 08, 2012 | 20:37 WIB | 129
Election Commission of Tolikara Regency denies Petitioner Argument

Tolikara District Commission denied the proposition expressed by candidates number two John Tabo-Hedi Suyanto who sued the district election results Tolikara to the Constitutional Court on Monday (7/5), at the Plenary Court Room. The first hearing cases registered with the…read more

Image Tuesday, May 08, 2012 | 17:07 WIB | 165
UIN Sunan Kalijaga Wins Regional III of the Constitutional Debate Competition

The Constitutional Court in cooperation with Gadjah Mada University Debate Competition held a final round of the Constitution of 2012 as the Inter-Indonesia Higher Education Regional Level III, Tuesday (08/05). After going through a very strict elimination round of 24…read more

Image Tuesday, May 08, 2012 | 00:55 WIB | 127
Dispute of Election Result of Southwest Aceh District: Petitioner’s Witness Reveal Intimidation and Kidnapping

Again, there is intimidation and other fraud during the elections of regional heads. This time, it was disclosed by the witnesses presented by the Applicant in the matter of the dispute results in a number 23-24/PHPU.DX/2012 election of regional heads…read more

Image Tuesday, May 08, 2012 | 00:47 WIB | 211
West Aceh Regency Independent Committee Assesed Petition Weak Formally

Dispute the results of elections of regional heads District of West Aceh, Aceh province, re-tried in the Constitutional Court (MK), Monday (05/07/2012) afternoon. The trial of eight cases filed 28/PHPU.DX/2012 candidate’s regent / deputy regent of West Aceh, Adami-Bustanuddin (no.…read more

Image Tuesday, May 08, 2012 | 00:30 WIB | 185
Akil Mochtar Accepted Visits of Hundreds of Civics Teachers of Banyumas

Hundreds of teachers from Banyumas Teachers who are members of Congress Subject (MGMP) Citizenship Education (Civics) as Banyumas, Central Java, jointly visit to the Constitutional Court (MK), Monday (7/5). Their arrival is received directly Constitutional Justice M. Akil Mohctar, and…read more

Image Tuesday, May 08, 2012 | 00:21 WIB | 164
Dispute of Election Result of Deiyai District: Petitioner Asked Voting Again

Regional head elections of Deiyai District, Papua Province, leaving the dispute in the Constitutional Court (MK). Court on Monday (07/05/2012) afternoon held a session of the General Election dispute Deiyai proposed candidates and prospective candidates regent / deputy regent Deiyai…read more

Image Tuesday, May 08, 2012 | 00:03 WIB | 138
Election Result of Tolikara District to be sued

Candidate number two of Tolikara District Election John Tabo-Hedi Suyanto sued the Election results to the Constitutional Court with the hearing held on Monday (7/5), at the Plenary Court Room. The first hearing cases registered with the Court Registrar No.…read more

Image Monday, May 07, 2012 | 17:02 WIB | 177
The opening of the Constitutional Debate Competition Regional III in UGM Yogyakarta

The Constitutional Court again held up the constitutional debate competition among regional universities throughout Indonesia. This time the Constitutional Court in cooperation with the University of Gajah Mada Yogyakarta constitutional debate competition organized regional level III, which was followed by…read more

Image Monday, May 07, 2012 | 17:01 WIB | 220
Abdurrahman Saleh University students of Situbondo Visit the Court

Model of the state system before the changes of 1945 Constitution replaced the President as the central place of power or the center of all power in the state. "The question is, is not central of power is the authority…read more