Model of the state system before the changes of 1945 Constitution replaced the President as the central place of power or the center of all power in the state.
"The question is, is not central of power is the authority of the Assembly? Instead of moving to the president?" said researcher Abdul Ghoffar as a guest speaker in a meeting with Abdurrahman Saleh University students of Situbondo.
In fact, Abdul said Ghoffar, Article 1, Paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution before the change said, "The power is in the hands of the people and performed entirely by the Assembly." Logic is simply the entire community-owned Indonesia’s sovereignty, granted full sovereignty for the state to the institution holding the Assembly this.
"It was given the complete every five years through elections. Also given to the 1000 members of the House that by 1000 members of the House was given entirely to one person only, namely the President as Mandatory of the MPR, "explained Ghoffar.
Ghoffar continued, sovereignty is crucial in a country. That is, whoever has the sovereign right of the authoritative?
"The president is aware of the authority then outstanding. Pursuant to Article 5 Paragraph
(1) UUD 1945 that ‘the President holds the power to make laws with the approval of the House of Representatives’, "explained Ghoffar.
Thus, continued Ghoffar, all filling positions in Indonesia is regulated through legislation. It was including the Law on the Organization and MPR-DPR.
"Here, then they are a complete, because the president is automatically not allow the members of the Assembly be filled by people who then harm him. President will surely fill the members who secure themselves, "he explained.
Ghoffar explained, in the new order, a member of the House only fill one third of the membership of the Assembly. Two-thirds filled by appointment, any of the group representatives, and other regional representatives. While the armed forces entered without passing through a general election.
"Not to mention, at that time president of the Golkar Party’s control. For example, every time Golkar campaign, ‘If you want roads and electricity in your village, choose Golkar’. All keep silence, all of which select a president Soeharto. Nothing wrong with that he led Indonesia to 32 years," said Ghoffar to the students.
System work like that then led to the demand that the 1945 changes, one of Article 1 Paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution. After the amendment of the Constitution 1945 (1999-2002), then the sound of Article 1, Paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution changed to, "Sovereignty belongs to the people and carried out according to the Constitution". (Nano Tresna Arfana / mh/
Monday, May 07, 2012 | 17:01 WIB 229