Image Monday, March 18, 2013 | 18:05 WIB | 143
Islamic Junior High School Students of Raudhatul Jannah Cilegon Visited the Court

The Islamic junior high school students of Raudhatul Jannah Cilegon accompanied by several teachers visited the Constitutional Court on Monday (18/3) morning. The eighth grade student is accepted by Fajar Laksono in Ground Floor Hall. On that occasion, Fajar gave…read more

Image Friday, March 15, 2013 | 15:18 WIB | 146
Puncak Regency Election Commission Affirmed Using Original Form

Puncak Regency Election Commission rejected the argument regarding the violations structured, massive and systematic does in organizing Election Peak District, Papua. This was stated by Puncak Regency Election Commission’s attorney, Nahar as the Respondent at the hearing to hear the…read more

Image Thursday, March 14, 2013 | 22:00 WIB | 96
Petitioner Expert: Simultaneous Elections under the Constitution and More Effective

Legislative elections were conducted simultaneously with the election of President and Vice President is considered in line with the constitution. In fact, the original intent of the amendments to the 1945 Constitution, the election was held simultaneously meant, except the…read more

Image Thursday, March 14, 2013 | 19:15 WIB | 141
Questioning Moraid District Entered Tambrauw Regency, Petitioner Fixed Petition

Issues on Moraid District inclusion to Tambrauw Regency came to be the trial agenda of judicial review of Act 56/2008 on the establishment of Tambrauw Regency - Case No. 19/PUU-VII/2013 - on Thursday (14/3) afternoon. Petitioner is Stepanus Malak, Adam…read more

Image Thursday, March 14, 2013 | 19:12 WIB | 105
Judicial Review of Act on Presidential Election: Petitioner Expert Presented Presidential Nomination Procedures without through Political Parties

Judicial Review of Act 42/2008 on the General Election of President and Vice President - Case No. 4/PUU-XI/2013 - held by the Constitutional Court (MK) on Thursday (14/3) afternoon. The agenda is a hearing to witness / experts from the…read more

Image Thursday, March 14, 2013 | 16:00 WIB | 165
Couple Mulyono-Jona Arizona Ask for Repeating Voting in Sukabumi City Election

Candidate Mayor and Deputy Mayor Sukabumi Number 4, Mulyono-Jona Arizona sues General Election result of Sukabumi City 2013 to the Constitutional Court (MK). Trial of the case held today, Thursday (14/3). The trial is preliminary investigation led by Chief of…read more

Image Wednesday, March 13, 2013 | 20:04 WIB | 177
Model Form Value DA 1-KWK.KPU Not Original, Puncak Regency Election Result to be Sued

The Constitutional Court held the first hearing of the results of the election dispute case of Puncak Regency on Wednesday (13/3) at the Plenary Court. Number of cases registered with this 18/PHPU.D-XI/2013 filed by candidate number 5 Elvis Tabuni-TE A…read more

Image Wednesday, March 13, 2013 | 19:03 WIB | 164
Court Confirms the Identity Card and Family Card Usage in General Election

There is no more reason people refuse to give their voting rights under the pretext of not enrolled at the time of election of regional heads title. Because, the Constitutional Court confirmed that if the voters are not registered and…read more

Image Wednesday, March 13, 2013 | 18:00 WIB | 113
Court: Supreme Court Judicial Review’s Suspension Waiting for Constitutional Court Judicial Review’s Decision Violates Nothing to 1945 Constitution

The Constitutional Court (MK) rejected judicial review of Act 24/2003 on the Constitutional Court. Decision to No. 74 / / PUU-X/2012 was read by Chief Justice Moh. Mahfud MD. He was assisted by eight other constitutional judges on Wednesday (13/3).…read more

Image Wednesday, March 13, 2013 | 17:48 WIB | 135
Presidential Term Restriction not equivalent with Parliament and Regional Council Members

Application for judicial review cases (PUU) No. 8/2012 on General Elections of House of People Representatives, House of Regional Representatives and Regional Council Members in Case No. 108/PUU-X/2012 finally entirely rejected by the Constitutional Court. Similarly, the Court delivered its…read more