Image Tuesday, October 01, 2013 | 09:30 WIB | 127
East Java Commission and Karsa Witness Denied Politicization of Budget

Session of Regional Head General Election Dispute of East Java Province was held back by the Constitutional Court on Monday (30/9) afternoon, at the Plenary Room. This time, Constitutional Assembly led by Chief Justice M. Akil Mochtar has examined the…read more

Image Monday, September 30, 2013 | 22:47 WIB | 138
South Sumatra Election Commission: Alex Noerdin-Ishak Mekki Superior in Re-Voting

After ordering South Sumatra Province Election Commission (KPU) to implement re-voting (PSU), on Thursday, July 11, 2013 then, the Constitutional Court at a hearing held on Monday (30/9) listen South Sumatra Provincial Election Commission reports related the implementation of the…read more

Image Monday, September 30, 2013 | 22:40 WIB | 97
Padang Lawas Election Commission Considered Petitioner Petition Blurred

The advanced trial of Electoral Dispute Regional Head and Deputy Head of Padang Lawas Regency, North Sumatra held again in Constitutional Court on Wednesday (25/9). The lawsuit filed by Rahmat Pardamean Hasibuan - Andri Ismail Putra Nasution by case number…read more

Image Monday, September 30, 2013 | 22:38 WIB | 100
Mojokerto Election Dispute: Court Rejected Ayub Busono Listyawan-Moeljadi’s Petition

Constitutional Court held a verdict trial of Mojokerto Election Dispute filed by couple Ayub Busono Listyawan - Moeljadi on Monday (30/ 9). Court decided to reject the entire petition candidate number 5. In conclusion, the Court stated principal petition no…read more

Image Monday, September 30, 2013 | 22:36 WIB | 121
Strengthen Commission Decision, Court Rejected Election Dispute of Sidenreng Rappang

Candidate No. 6 in Sidenreng Rappang District Election 2013, couple Rudsi Masse - Dollah Mando, officially won Election after Constitutional Court decided to reject a lawsuit filed by three regional head candidates on Monday (09/30/2013). The lawsuit was filed by…read more

Monday, September 30, 2013 | 22:32 WIB | 110
Fadlil Sumadi Explains the role of the Constitutional Court after Reform Al-Quran Science Students

No longer is president imposed unconstitutional. Indonesia has a poor record in the history of impeachment against the president and with the birth of the Constitutional Court is expected to end the constitutional process in the fall of a president.…read more

Image Monday, September 30, 2013 | 15:57 WIB | 96
Fadlil Sumadi: Election to Avoid "A Taste of the Kingdom"

"Indonesia is a unitary state formed by a republic, headed by a President," said Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi during the visit of the students of the Faculty of Law University of Widyagama Malang, Monday (30/9) on the 4th floor of the…read more

Image Monday, September 30, 2013 | 14:01 WIB | 94
Pangkalpinang City Election Commission Thought Petitioner Have No Legal Standing

Petitioner in case number 119/PHPU.D-XI/2013 has no legal standing to file the case to the Constitutional Court. It ‘s been decided by the Court at a hearing earlier proposed by the applicant himself number 90/PHPU.D-XI/2013, where the decision of the…read more

Image Sunday, September 29, 2013 | 21:44 WIB | 125
Akil Mochtar: Court Serves and Protects Constitutional Rights of Citizens

Constitutional Court’s role in protecting the constitutional rights of citizens is through the exercise of its authority, ie to test the law against the 1945 or so-called judicial review. Laws established by the Parliament and the Government is the product…read more

Image Friday, September 27, 2013 | 19:20 WIB | 140
Student Representative Body of Social Sciences Faculty of Jakarta State University Visit the Court

Dozens of students who are members of the Student Representative Body ( BPM ) Faculty of Social Sciences ( FIS ) Jakarta State University ( UNJ ) visit the Constitutional Court ( MK ) on Friday ( 27/9 ). They…read more