Image Wednesday, November 21, 2012 | 18:32 WIB | 166
Fadlil Sumadi to be Resource Person of Focus Group Discussion Improvement of Election Coordination

Constitutional Justice Ahmad Sumadi Fadlil is guest speaker at the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Improved Coordination elections organized by the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Wednesday (21/11) at the Hotel Sari Pan Pacific. FGD is the theme…read more

Image Wednesday, November 21, 2012 | 15:29 WIB | 171
UGM Archival Students Visit the Court

Vocational School Archival Studies Program Students, University of Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta, which amounts to approximately 80 (eighty) students, come to the constitution Court (MK), in Jakarta, Wednesday (21/11) morning. They were accompanied by lecturer Burhanudin, in order to see…read more

Image Wednesday, November 21, 2012 | 15:28 WIB | 182
Anwar Usman Talked Enforcement and Reengineering System of Constitutional Law on Mexico Supreme Court’s Invitation

  Constitutional Justice Anwar Usman representing the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia at the invitation of the Mexican Supreme Court delivered in the context of the First Summit of Presidents of Regional and International High Courts. On this…read more

Image Wednesday, November 21, 2012 | 06:58 WIB | 136
Anwar Usman: Law Enforcement Reform Not Completed

Constitutional Justice Anwar Usman representing the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia at the invitation of the Mexican Supreme Court delivered in the context of the First Summit of Presidents of Regional and International High Courts. On this occasion,…read more

Image Wednesday, November 21, 2012 | 06:57 WIB | 91
Chief Justice: Paralyzed Democracy, Progressive Pillar Press Dependable

The pillars of democracy are lame, but there is still a reliable pillar. Pilar is the press. Yes, the press progressive and empowering. So at least the main ideas contained in speech of Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Moh…read more

Image Tuesday, November 20, 2012 | 16:40 WIB | 204
Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court: Terrorism is Human Enemies

Terrorism must be fought because terrorism is an enemy of humanity. This was stated by Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Moh. Mahfud MD when encountered non-profit organization concerned with the phenomenon of violence in the name of religion, Lazuardi…read more

Image Tuesday, November 20, 2012 | 14:39 WIB | 143
Mahfud MD Responded Positively Friendship Mosques Bintaro Forum’s Planning

Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) Mahfud MD responded positively activities of friendship mosques Bintaro Forum and their Surrounding to organize seminars and workshops are planned to take place in March 2013. Seminars and workshops are the topic of…read more

Image Tuesday, November 20, 2012 | 06:12 WIB | 148
Padjajaran University Family Student Visits the Court

Padjadjaran University Family Student Representative visits the Constitutional Court on Monday (19/11) morning. They were received by Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Achmad Sodiki in Press Conference Room of Court Building. On occasion, Sodiki delivered a short lecture.…read more

Image Monday, November 19, 2012 | 18:48 WIB | 215
Muhammad Alim: Court Decision on BP Migas Reflects Welfare State Principles

The Constitutional Court has just decided on the review of Act 22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas, which declared BP Migas unconstitutional. This brave decision by the Constitutional Court clearly contrary to Article 33 paragraph (2). This was stated…read more

Image Monday, November 19, 2012 | 18:34 WIB | 161
Fadlil Sumadi Receives Visit of Students Association of Al Shakhsiyyah IAIN Shaykh Nurjati of Cirebon

Constitutional Justice Ahmad Sumadi Fadlil receives visit of Student Association Department ahwal Shaykh Al-shakhsiyyah of IAIN Nurjati Cirebon, Monday (19/11) afternoon at the Constitutional Court (MK). On that occasion, Fadlil Sumadi explained at length about the understanding of the constitution…read more