Decision and Hearing
Image Friday, May 23, 2014 | 16:08 WIB | 114
Democratic Party Fusses Votes in 24 provinces

  Constitutional Court (MK) held preliminary session on 2014’s PHPU, filed by 12 National Parties, 2 Aceh Parties and 32 individual candidates on DPD by today (23/5) the agenda is to preliminary checking. One of the Applicants, Democratic Party (PD),…read more

Image Friday, May 23, 2014 | 16:07 WIB | 134
PBB Jerks on Voting Recap and Parliament\\\\\'s Electoral Threshold

  Star and Crescent Party (PBB) filed pleading over 2014’S PHPU on 91 dapil to MK. The preliminary session was held on Friday (23/5) in the MK Plenary Room. PBB, registered on number 05-14/PHPU-DPR-DPRD/XII/2014, files a complaint on two KPU’s…read more

Image Friday, May 23, 2014 | 16:06 WIB | 61
Justices See Hanura\'s Appeal Unspecific

  Constitutional Court (MK) Held Preliminary Session on PHPU 2014. Hanura -Case 02-10/PHPU-DPR-DPRD/XII/2014- represented by its attorney, well-known Elza Syarief and Gusti Randa. On its appeal, Hanura pleas on KPU’s recap which harms its votes.  Hanura submitted 91…read more

Image Friday, May 23, 2014 | 15:58 WIB | 113
Nasdem on PHPU 2014 : Some Areas Will be Pulled Off

  Constitutional Courts (MK) arranged Preliminary Session on PHPU by Friday (23/5) in Plenary Session Room with the agenda of Files Checking. In the Session, National Democratic (Nasdem) Party represents by its attorney Taufik Basari, will dispatch cases on some…read more

Image Friday, May 23, 2014 | 01:17 WIB | 102
MK: DPR Can\'t Delay Budget Disbursement

  MK decides to grant some Judicial Review on State Treasury Act (UU KN) and MD3 Act. The practice to hold fund’s disbursement (Asterisk mark) is not DPR’s surveillance function as driven by 1945’s Constitutional Act (UUD 1945). “Decides, stating…read more

Image Thursday, May 22, 2014 | 19:07 WIB | 76
Apart from Hospital-Specialized, Non-profit Institutions OK to Manage Hospitals.

  Constitutional Court (MK) grants some petitions on Hospital Act’s Judicial Review as filed by Muhammadiyah Union, Thursday (22/5). MK stated that public hospitals which handled by legal institution are non-profit, like Muhammadiyah-owned hospital, doesn’t have to be…read more

Image Tuesday, May 20, 2014 | 12:33 WIB | 162
MK : Differentiate Subject and Object on Taxes, Excise and Taxes not Doubled

  Since the plea has no legal ground. MK declines all applications on Local Taxes and Retribution Act Judicial Review. The Applicants are Mulyana Wira Kusumah, Hendardi, Aizzudin, Neta S.pane, and Bambang Isti Nugroho. The verdict number 64/PUU-XI/2013 was recited…read more

Image Monday, May 19, 2014 | 18:54 WIB | 197
Applicant Passed Away, Judicial Review on Veteran Law Dismissed

  MK states the Judicial Review on Act 20/2009 about Decoration Title and Badge of Honor and Act 15/2012 about Veterans of RI dismissed after the Applicants passed away on Wednesday, (7/5)  “The Court has decided, The Plea…read more

Image Monday, May 19, 2014 | 18:54 WIB | 165
Apart from Elections Regime, MK Authority to Decide on Disputed Pemilukada Unconstitutional

  Constitutional Court (MK) annuls its authority to inspect and decide over disputed local elections (Pemilukada). As contained in 97/PUU-XI/2013 Verdict which was recited by Head of MK, Hamdan Zoelva on Monday (19/5) in MK plenary session room. “Granting wishes…read more

Image Thursday, May 15, 2014 | 10:16 WIB | 142
Electricity Act: MK Decides Applicants Have no Legal Ground

  MK finally has decided that judicial review application on Act (UU) 30/2009 of Electricity Power (Case 106/PUU-XI/2013) pleaded by Ahmad Daryoko and Hamdani can’t be accepted.    “Verdict says the application can’t be accepted” Hamdan…read more