
Case Subject: The Judicial Review of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendment to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption

  • Petition: 1. Firdaus S.T., M.T. 2.Drs. H. Yulius Nawawi 3.Ir. H. Imam Mardi Nugroho 4.Ir. H. A. Hasdullah, M.Si. , and team
    Lawyer : Heru Widodo, S.H., M.Hum., and team
  • Decision: To grant the Petitioners' petition in part
  • Date: January 25, 2017

Case Subject: Review on the Law Number 16 of 2004 regarding the State Attorney of the Republic of Indonesia against the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia of 1945,

  • Petition: 1.Irwansyah Siregar 2.Dedi Nuryadi
    Lawyer : Sunggul Hamonangan Sirait, S.H, M.H., and team
  • Decision: Granted for a part
  • Date: January 11, 2017

Case Subject: The Judicial Review of Law Number 11 of 2008 on the Electronic Information and Transactions and the Law Number 20 of 2001 on the Amendment to the Law Number 31 of 1999 on the Eradication of the Criminal Acts of Corruption

  • Petition: Setya Novanto
    Lawyer: Muhammad Ainul Syamsu, S.H., M.H., and team
  • Decision: To grant the Petitioner's petition in part
  • Date: September 7, 2016

Case Subject: Judicial Review of Law Number 30 Year 2004 concerning Notary Position against the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia

  • Petition: Kant Kamal
    Lawyer: Tomson Situmeang, S.H. dll
  • Decision: granted in its entirety
  • Date: May 28, 2013

Case Subject: Judicial Review of Law Number 8 Year 1981 concerning the Criminal Procedure against the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia

  • Petition: Perkumpulan Masyarakat Anti Korupsi (MAKI)
    Lawyer: Kurniawan Adi Nugroho, S.H. and Poltak Ike Wibowo, S.H
  • Decision: Granted in its entirety
  • Date: May 21, 2013

Case Subject: The Judicial Review of Law Number 41 of 1999 concerning Forestry

  • Petition: Pemohon : 1. Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN); 2. Kesatuan Masyarakat Hukum Adat Kenegerian Kuntu; 3. Kesatuan Masyarakat Adat Kesepuhan Cisitu. Kuasa pemohon : Sulistiono, S.H., and team.
  • Decision: To grant the Petitioners' petition in part
  • Date: May 16, 2013

Case Subject: Judicial Review of Law Number 23 Year 2006 concerning Population Administration against the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia

  • Petition: Mutholib
    Lawyer : H. Sholeh Hayat, S.H., H. Subroto Kalim, and Bambang Juwono, S.H., M.Hum.
  • Decision: granted partially
  • Date: April 30, 2013

Case Subject: Judicial Review of Law Number 11 Year 2012 concerning Juvenile Criminal Justice System against the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia

  • Petition: 1. Dr. H. Mohammad Saleh, S.H., M.H (Hakim Agung) Pemohon I; 2. Dr. Drs. Habiburrahman, M.Hum (Hakim Agung) Pemohon 2; 3.Dr. Imam Subechi, S.H., M.H (Hakim Agung) Pemohon 3; 4. Imron Anwari, S.H., Spn., M.H (Hakim Agung) Pemohon 4; 5. Suhadi, S.H., M.H (Hakim Agung) Pemohon 5 6. H. Kadar Slamet, S.H., M.Hum (Hakim Tinggi Pengawas) Pemohon 6; 7. I Gusti Agung Sumanatha, S.H., M.H (Hakim Tinggi) Pemohon 7; 8. Drs. Abdul Goni, S.H., M.H.(Hakim PA) Pemohon 8; 9. Mien Trisnawati, S.H., M.H (Wakil Ketua PN) Pemohon 9.
    Lawyer : Dr. Lilik Mulyadi, S.H., M.H., and team
  • Decision: granted in its entirety
  • Date: March 28, 2013

Case Subject: Judicial Review of Law Number 8 Year 1981 concerning the Criminal Procedure (Criminal Procedure Code) against the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia

  • Petition: Dr. H. Idrus, M. Kes (Pensiunan PNS)
  • Decision: Granted partly
  • Date: March 28, 2013

Case Subject: Judicial Review of Law Number 32 Year 2004 concerning Regional Government against the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia

  • Petition: 1. Mohammad Umar Halimuddin, S.H. 2. Siti Hidayawati, S.H
    Lawyer : Deddy Iskandar, S.H. and Zulkarnain Zaumar, S.H.
  • Decision: granted partly
  • Date: March 13, 2013