Image Thursday, July 25, 2019 | 20:28 WIB | 124
Issue of Suspension after Vote Recapitulation in Maluku

Nasdem Party’s mandate witness Bacu Keliwar (center) conveying a testimony in the 2019 DPR-DPRD Election Results Dispute (PHPU) hearing of Maluku Province on Thursday (25/7) in the Panel Courtroom of the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Ganie. JAKARTA, Public Relations…read more

Image Thursday, July 25, 2019 | 20:22 WIB | 174
PPP Witness Reveals Problematic Revote in Takalar Regency

The Petitioner\'s witness Akmal Tabibgiving a statement in the further hearing in the 2019 DPR-DPRD PHPU of South Sulawesi Province on Thursday (25/7) in the Panel 3 Courtroom of the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Teguh. JAKARTA, Public Relations of…read more

Image Thursday, July 25, 2019 | 20:02 WIB | 132
Expert: West Nias Regency KPU Opened Ballot Boxes Illegally

Witnesses and expert for Petitioner taking oath before Constitutional Justices in the 2019 DPR-DPRD-DPD PHPU hearing of North Sumatera Province in the Panel I Courtroom of the Constitutional Court, Thursday (25/7/2019). Photo by Humas MK/Ifa. JAKARTA, Public Relations of the…read more

Image Thursday, July 25, 2019 | 17:43 WIB | 121
Pangkajene Regency KPU Denies Vote Recapitulation Errors

The KPU\'s witness Warda giving a statement in further hearing in the 2019 DPR-DPRD PHPU of South Sulawesi Province on Thursday (25/7) in the Panel 3 Courtroom of the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Teguh. JAKARTA, Public Relations of the…read more

Image Thursday, July 25, 2019 | 14:03 WIB | 310
Ombudsman Learns SIKD at Constitutional Court

Secretary General M. Guntur Hamzah explaining SIKD and its implementation at the Constitutional Court, Thursday (25/7/2019) at the Meeting Room on the 11th floor of the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Mantox. JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—Ombudsman visited…read more

Image Thursday, July 25, 2019 | 07:36 WIB | 191
PDIP Witness Reveals Vote Inflation for Golkar Party in Manado

The Petitioner’s witness Steven B Zeekeon giving a statement in a further hearing in the 2019 DPR-DPRD PHPU of North Sulawesi Province on Wednesday (24/7) in the Panel 3 Courtroom of the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Teguh. JAKARTA, Public…read more

Image Wednesday, July 24, 2019 | 19:14 WIB | 114
Constitutional Court orders KPU to Present Ballot Boxes of TPS 12 of Sungai Lekop, East Bintan

The panel chairperson Constitutional Justice Aswanto showing C1 Plano evidence to witnesses in the 2019 DPR-DPRD Election Results Dispute (PHPU) hearing of Riau Islands Province on Tuesday (24/7) in the Panel Courtroom of Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Ganie. JAKARTA,…read more

Image Wednesday, July 24, 2019 | 19:07 WIB | 102
KPU Dismisses Allegation of “Siluman” Polling Stations in South Halmahera Regency

Petitioner\'s witness Hamka Manui giving statement in further hearing of the 2019 DPR-DPRD PHPU of North Maluku Province on Wednesday (24/7) in the Panel 3 Courtroom of the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Teguh. JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional…read more

Image Wednesday, July 24, 2019 | 17:27 WIB | 140
Expert: Complicated Process Enables Recording Errors of 2019 Aceh Legislative Election Results

Expert Nelson Simanjuntak giving a statement regarding the 2019 DPR-DPRD PHPU case of Aceh Province on Wednesday (24/7) in the Panel 1 Courtroom of the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Ifa. JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—The Constitutional Court…read more

Image Wednesday, July 24, 2019 | 15:53 WIB | 141
Votes for PKS Decrease by One after Recount

Confirmation of evidence by Constitutional Justice Saldi Isra and Prosperous Justice Party’s (PKS)  witness Andi Setiawan witnessed by Metro Lampung KPU Chairman Nova Hadiyanto and Metro Lampung City Bawaslu Chairman Mujib in the 2019 DPR-DPRD Election Results Dispute hearing of…read more