Friday, August 13, 2021 | 20:18 WIB |
Friday, August 13, 2021 | 20:18 WIB
JAKARTA, Public Relations—As part of the ceremony to commemorate its 18th anniversary, the Constitutional Court (MK) handed out the SIKD Award to its working units. The award was announced by Secretary-General M. Guntur…read more
Friday, August 13, 2021 | 16:19 WIB |
Friday, August 13, 2021 | 16:19 WIB
JAKARTA, Public Relations—After holding a flag-hoisting ceremony to commemorate its 18th anniversary on Friday, August 13, 2021, the Constitutional Court (MK) continued the celebration with a tasyakuran (thanksgiving event) virtually from the hall…read more
Friday, August 13, 2021 | 09:57 WIB |
Friday, August 13, 2021 | 09:57 WIB
JAKARTA, Public Relations—The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia (MK) celebrated its 18th anniversary on Friday morning, August 13, 2021. The ceremony was led by Chief Justice Anwar Usman. The other eight…read more
Thursday, August 12, 2021 | 16:47 WIB |
Experts Aan Eko Widiarto, Wicipto Setiadi, and Fitriani Ahlan Sjarif for the Petitioners taking oath virtually before testifying at a judicial review hearing of Law No. 11 of 2020 on Job Creation, Thursday (12/8/2021). Photo by Humas MK/Ifa.
Thursday, August…read more
Thursday, August 12, 2021 | 15:07 WIB |
The judicial review hearing of Law No. 19 of 2003 on State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Thursday (12/8/2021). Photo by Humas MK/Ifa.
Thursday, August 12, 2021 | 15:07 WIB
JAKARTA, Public Relations—The Constitutional Court (MK) held another judicial review hearing of Law No.…read more
Tuesday, August 10, 2021 | 17:40 WIB |
Taufik Basari testifying on behalf of the House Commission III at the material judicial review hearing of Law No. 35 of 2009 on Narcotics, Tuesday (10/8/2021) virtually. Photo by Humas MK/Ifa.
Tuesday, August 10, 2021 | 17:40 WIB
JAKARTA, Public…read more
Tuesday, August 10, 2021 | 13:13 WIB |
Petitioners and counsels at the virtual judicial review hearing of the Mineral and Coal Mining Law No. 3 of 2020, Monday (9/8/2021). Photo by Humas MK/Bayu.
Monday, August 9, 2021 | 19:07 WIB
JAKARTA, Public Relations—The Constitutional Court (MK) held…read more
Monday, August 09, 2021 | 15:48 WIB |
House Commission III member Taufik Basari testifying virtually at the judicial review hearing of Law No. 7 of 2020 on the Constitutional Court Law, Monday (9/8/2021). Photo by Humas MK/Ifa.
Monday, August 9, 2021 | 15:48 WIB
JAKARTA, Public Relations—Constitutional…read more
Friday, August 06, 2021 | 17:04 WIB |
Deputy Registrar Rizky Amelia speaking at a technical assistance program on the Constitutional Court’s procedural law for judicial review for the Association of Lecturers on Procedural Law of the Constitutional Court (APHAMK) virtually, Thursday (5/8/20021). Photo by Humas MK/Teguh.
Friday,…read more
Thursday, August 05, 2021 | 20:33 WIB |
Constitutional law expert Zainal Arifin Mochtar testifying for the Petitioners at a judicial review hearing of the Job Creation Law on Thursday (5/8/2021) virtually. Photo by Humas MK/Bayu.
Thursday, August 5, 2021 | 20:33 WIB
JAKARTA, Public Relations—Another judicial review…read more