Friday, July 15, 2011 | 16:46 WIB |
The Court continued reviewing the Act No. 13/2003 on Manpower on Thursday (14 / 7). Court Registrar had registered the case with Number 37/PUU-IX/2011 filed by three petitioners. They were Ugan Gandar, Eko Wahyu, and Rommel Antonius Ginting.In the trial…read more
Friday, July 15, 2011 | 16:26 WIB |
Syahdan Anggoi-Honorius Bruno’s application in Case No. 77/PHPU.D-IX/2011 on Dispute on the Results of the General Election (PHPU) Landak Regency rejected entirely by the Constitutional Court (MK) in Reading Session Decision attended by 9 Judge Kontitusi Friday (15 / 7).According…read more
Thursday, July 14, 2011 | 14:38 WIB |
International Symposium on "Constitutional Democratic State," held 10-13 July 2011 was officially closed by the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia (MKRI) Mahfud MD on Wednesday (13 / 7) night at Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta. In his…read more
Thursday, July 14, 2011 | 13:57 WIB |
The third session of the International Symposium of the Constitutional Court on Tuesday (12 / 7) carried some themes. They were the Mechanism of Checks and Balances among State Institutions. The themes discussed are part of the three themes, namely…read more
Thursday, July 14, 2011 | 13:52 WIB |
Participants in each panel back into the room after the completion of the discussion in Session I. Panel begins promptly at 11:15 pm, on Tuesday (12 / 7) at Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta. In Session II, participants conduct discussion with the…read more
Thursday, July 14, 2011 | 13:03 WIB |
The presence of the Constitutional Court and other equivalent institutions are believed to increase the value of a country's democracy. Most delegates agreed that democracy is one of the important social values in a democratic state that is explicitly stated…read more
Thursday, July 14, 2011 | 12:55 WIB |
Entering the second day of the International Symposium on the theme Constitutional Democratic State, Tuesday (12 / 7), participants were divided into three separate panels with three sub themes. In Panel I it discusses the theme The Role of the…read more
Thursday, July 14, 2011 | 12:44 WIB |
Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) Mahfud MD was accompanied by General Secretary MK Janedjri M. Gaffar received a courtesy call from German Constitutional Court represented by Rudolf Mellinghoff, on the 30th floor of Hotel Shangri-La Jakarta, Tuesday (12 /…read more
Thursday, July 14, 2011 | 12:41 WIB |
Activities of the International Symposium of the Constitutional Court of Republic of Indonesia (MK-RI) themed Constitutional Democratic State to celebrate the 8th anniversary opened directly by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at State Palace in…read more
Monday, July 11, 2011 | 19:08 WIB |
Political reform in Indonesia in 1998 necessitates from the reform of the constitution. Since the constitution is the basic foundation of the state that determines the design and practice of state administration, including politics. Therefore, the…read more