Friday, October 04, 2013 | 13:36 WIB |
The reputation of Constitutional Court must be maintained. Spirit of justice and protect the rights of citizens who had been attached to either the Court not to be eroded by the fact that makes sad. However, there are eight pillars…read more
Thursday, October 03, 2013 | 19:22 WIB |
Deputy Chief Justice of Constitutional Court Hamdan Zoelva accompanied by Secretary General Janedjri M. Gaffar announced the names of five members of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court on Thursday (3/10) afternoon, at the Press Conference Room. Honorary Council…read more
Wednesday, October 02, 2013 | 17:37 WIB |
Secretary General of Constitutional Court Janedjri M. Gaffar receives the visit of the Constitutional Court Procedural Law lecturer, University of Andalas (Unand), Padang on Wednesday (2/10) afternoon. Group of them is led by Professor Saldi Isra in the framework of…read more
Tuesday, October 01, 2013 | 21:10 WIB |
In his work as one of the constitutional judges, Achmad Fadlil Sumadi take the time to receive study visits conducted by thirteen Constitutional Court Law’s lecturers of Faculty of Law University of Andalas, Padang, West…read more
Tuesday, October 01, 2013 | 14:45 WIB |
Pancasila Miracle Day ceremony is held by the Constitutional Court on Tuesday (1/10) in the morning. Acting as the ceremony is Secretary General Janedjri M. Gaffar. A number of structural and personnel officials present on the occasion.
Miracle Day commemoration…read more
Monday, September 30, 2013 | 22:32 WIB |
No longer is president imposed unconstitutional. Indonesia has a poor record in the history of impeachment against the president and with the birth of the Constitutional Court is expected to end the constitutional process in the fall of a president.…read more
Monday, September 30, 2013 | 15:57 WIB |
"Indonesia is a unitary state formed by a republic, headed by a President," said Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi during the visit of the students of the Faculty of Law University of Widyagama Malang, Monday (30/9) on the 4th floor of the…read more
Sunday, September 29, 2013 | 21:44 WIB |
Constitutional Court’s role in protecting the constitutional rights of citizens is through the exercise of its authority, ie to test the law against the 1945 or so-called judicial review. Laws established by the Parliament and the Government is the product…read more
Friday, September 27, 2013 | 19:20 WIB |
Dozens of students who are members of the Student Representative Body ( BPM ) Faculty of Social Sciences ( FIS ) Jakarta State University ( UNJ ) visit the Constitutional Court ( MK ) on Friday ( 27/9 ). They…read more
Tuesday, September 24, 2013 | 21:31 WIB |
Group of students and lectures from STIH College Foundation of Bangka visit Constitutional Court (MK), Tuesday (24/9). Visit students who attended the red-jacketed alma mater are welcomed by Constitutional Court Justice Patrialis Akbar.
Patrialis conveys the points presented in front…read more