Pancasila Miracle Day ceremony is held by the Constitutional Court on Tuesday (1/10) in the morning. Acting as the ceremony is Secretary General Janedjri M. Gaffar. A number of structural and personnel officials present on the occasion.
Miracle Day commemoration of Pancasila at the Constitutional Court took solemn, simple and short, which is implemented through a series of events, ranging from the 1945 Constitution readings including Pancasila, until it closed with prayer.
Miracle Day is commemorated related Pancasila Movement 30 September 1965 which led to the death of seven generals in Indonesia because of his courage against communism - in the case of the Indonesian Communist Party ( PKI ). Seven generals was General Ahmad Yani, Lt. Suprapto, Lt. Haryono, Lt. Gen. S. Parman, Maj. Pandjaitan, Major General Siswomihardjo, Brigadier General Katamso Darmokusumo.
Memorial Day Miracle meaningful to strengthen the role of Pancasila as the state and the nation’s way of life. As the state, Pancasila has a strategic role as the basic foundation of a nation. Pancasila also has a meaning as a way of life and basic guidelines to regulate the state administration, covering the fields of ideology, political, economic, social, cultural, defense and security.
In addition, Miracle Day of Pancasila is as a meaningful reflection to ponder how people today use Pancasila for the life of the nation. In the transition to democracy at this point, the crisis facing the threat of Pancasila role and moral disintegration. ( Nano Tresna Arfana / mh )
Tuesday, October 01, 2013 | 14:45 WIB 207