Decision and Hearing
Image Tuesday, February 21, 2012 | 19:52 WIB | 174
Curator Rules Constitutional

The Constitutional Court (MK) rejected Act 37 of 2004 on Bankruptcy and Suspension of Payment. A decision was on Number 78/PUU-VIII/2010 read by Deputy Chief Justice Ahmad Sodiki accompanied by a six-judge constitution on Tuesday (21/2), at the Plenary Court…read more

Image Tuesday, February 21, 2012 | 19:49 WIB | 162
Reviewing of Act on Forestry Law Granted

Petition of five regents in the Province of Central Kalimantan, and a self-employed person associated with the test of Article 1 paragraph 3 of Act (Act) No. 41 of 1999 on Forestry of the 1945 Constitution, granted by the Constitutional…read more

Image Tuesday, February 21, 2012 | 19:46 WIB | 147
Nuranis Asked Revoting of Jepara Election

Nur Yahman-Aris Isnandar (Nuranis), candidates regent / deputy regional head elections of Jepara, Central Java province, asking the Court ordered the Election Commission (KPU) Jepara perform repeated voting in all polling stations on Jepara Regency. "Ordered to the Respondent implement…read more

Image Friday, February 17, 2012 | 22:55 WIB | 203
The investigation Authority by Attorney Reviewed in Court

Investigative authority, especially in cases of corruption, in the hands of the prosecutor does not have a clear legal basis. Therefore, the prosecutorial authority of Act 31 of 1999 on the Eradication of Corruption has been negated by the Act…read more

Image Friday, February 17, 2012 | 19:08 WIB | 154
Again, Reviewing the constitutionality of the Death Penalty

The Constitutional Court held a hearing test again the Book of the Criminal Justice Act (Penal Code) against the 1945 Constitution (17/2). The cases registered no. 15/PUU-X/2012 filed by Raja Syahrial Herman and Raja Fadli. In the main petition, the…read more

Image Friday, February 17, 2012 | 14:49 WIB | 123
Dispute of Election Result of Dogiyai District: Court Ordered Revoting of Piyaiye District

The Constitutional Court ordered the District Election Commission Dogiyai to vote again (PSU) Regional Head General Election of Dogiyai District in eight villages in the District Piyaiye, namely Kampung Apogomakida, Deneiode, Yegeiyepa, Ideduwa, Kegata, Egipa, Ukagu , and Kampung Tibaugi,…read more

Image Friday, February 17, 2012 | 13:16 WIB | 0
Court: Child outside the Marriage Still Has Civil Relations with His/Her Biological Father

The Constitutional Court (MK) decided to keep children out of wedlock have a civil relationship with a man who can be proven by science and technology and / or other evidence under the law turns out to have ties of…read more

Image Thursday, February 16, 2012 | 18:16 WIB | 134
Judicial review of Act on Intelligence Entered Second Session

Assemblies of judicial review of Act 17/2011 on State Intelligence registered in no. 7/PUU-X/2012 number entered its second session, Thursday (16/2). This second trial was to improvement petition Panel, chaired by the Chief Judge of the Constitutional M. Akil Mochtar.…read more

Image Thursday, February 16, 2012 | 18:14 WIB | 138
Questioning the Criminalization of the State Emblem Usage

The use of state symbols by individuals, political parties, associations, organizations and / or companies for purposes other than those stipulated in the Act, could be convicted. This is experienced by Erwin Agustian and Eco Santoso.Purwakarta District Court sentenced 1…read more

Image Thursday, February 16, 2012 | 18:11 WIB | 120
Government experts: Appointment of Deputy Minister, Authority of President’s Discretion

Article 10 of Act 39/2008 on the Ministry of State indicates the presence of the president discretionary power in appointing the deputy minister. It is delivered by former Constitutional Court Justice Laica Marzuki the first period when giving testimony in…read more