Monday, April 07, 2008 | 12:45 WIB |
The caution of the authoritarianism of the New Order was not only the actors, but also the weakness of the law system and state regulation So that, Indonesian citizens by its…read more
Monday, April 07, 2008 | 11:23 WIB |
AFTER the verdict of the Supreme Courtââ¬â¢s Review (PK) that set free the former Vice Commander of Integration Fighter Troops (PPI) of East Timor, Eurico Gutteres on Human Rights violation case in East Timor (a.k.a Timor Leste), Eurico was considered…read more
Monday, April 07, 2008 | 10:37 WIB |
JAKARTA (Suara Karya): The General Election Commission (KPU) on this Monday (7/4) began receiving registration and verification of political parties to be participants in the 2009 General Election. However the Commission reminded that the verification process was subject to money…read more
Monday, April 07, 2008 | 10:03 WIB |
JAKARTA (Suara Karya): Corruption Case Court (Tipikor) should not be dismissed, because the forming was the mandate from the Constitutional Court. Because of that members of the Parliament who sounded the issue had better not to be reelected in 2009…read more
Monday, April 07, 2008 | 09:43 WIB |
The Constitutional Court has granted individual candidates to go in for in the Regional Election (Pilkada). The Stipulation issued in July 23, 2007 have brought new era in our democratic life. With the existence of legal ground for individual candidates,…read more
Monday, April 07, 2008 | 09:38 WIB |
Vice Chairman of Legal Commission of the Parliament, Soeripto, said that the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas Ham) did not have to investigate Human Rights violation in Indonesia. Because what more needed was to optimize the performance of the…read more
Monday, April 07, 2008 | 09:14 WIB |
It turned out that not only the City Council (DPD) or Eight Parties Alliance (ADP) had objection with the new Act on General Election. Because independent survey institution felt damaged related to the restriction to publish the quick count result…read more
Friday, April 04, 2008 | 15:33 WIB |
Jakarta, hukumonline ââ¬â Investigation suspension on July 13, 2004 to be pretrialed was the one related to Sjamsul Nursalim BDNI case. Anthony Salim untouched?Boyamin Saiman, an activist of an anticorruption NGO in Central Java was back into action to aim…read more
Friday, April 04, 2008 | 08:31 WIB |
Jakarta (hukumonline) ââ¬â From the constitutional law aspect, an article in an Act would still exist if in the amended Act did not strictly state had been deleted or changed with the formulation in the new article. Second amendment of Act…read more
Friday, April 04, 2008 | 10:06 WIB |
Jakarta, Kompas ââ¬â The transfer of handling dispute of regional head election (pilkada) result to the Constitutional Court should be anticipated. The Constitutional Court verdict that is final and binding has the risk of creating problem if there is a…read more