Image Thursday, January 10, 2013 | 13:16 WIB | 98
Parliament: Child Criminal Justice System Act No Mention of Criminal Imposed Justice

The Constitutional Court held a hearing on judicial review of Act 11/2012 on the Child Criminal Justice System on Wednesday (9/1) at the Plenary Court. Case with Number 110/PUU-X/2012 is filed by Mohammad Saleh as Chairman of the Association of…read more

Image Thursday, January 10, 2013 | 10:01 WIB | 139
Taufiqurrahman-Abdul Wachid Badrus: None Mass Mobilization in Nganjuk Election

The Constitutional Court (MK) held a further hearing back Dispute Election Result of Nganjuk Regency, East Java Province in 2012. On Wednesday (9/1), the Court listened to feedback from Related Parties, Taufiqurrahman-Abdul Wachid Badrus as the incumbent against the arguments…read more

Image Thursday, January 10, 2013 | 10:00 WIB | 89
Minahasa Election Commission Responding to Careig-Denny Objection

General Election Commission (KPU) of Minahasa regency respond to objection requests of voting results proposed by Careig Naichel Runtu-Denny Jhonlie Tombeng (Careig-Denny) to the Constitutional Court (MK). Through their attorney, Deddy Suwardi, the Commission said there is no obvious basic…read more

Image Wednesday, January 09, 2013 | 15:38 WIB | 142
Related Party experts on Dispute of Election Result of Tangerang: No Serious Problem Detected during Election

Dispute of Election Result (PHPU) of Tangerang Regency 2012 - Case No. 100/PHPU.DX/2012 - held on Wednesday (9/1) morning. Petitioner Achmad Suwandhi and Muhlis as candidate number 4. Agenda is evidence presented by the parties. On this occasion the Constitutional…read more

Image Wednesday, January 09, 2013 | 11:13 WIB | 145
MGMP of North Penajam Pasir, East Kalimantan, Visited the Court

The Constitutional Court (MK) received a visit from the teachers of the Council of Civic Education Teacher Lesson (MGMP-Civics) Sand Penajam North, East Kalimantan, Tuesday (8/1) afternoon. The visit was attended by 15 teachers 14 teachers SMP / MTs and…read more

Image Wednesday, January 09, 2013 | 11:12 WIB | 157
Court-The Wahid Institute Holds Religious Seminar and Violence in the Name of Tolerance

Sacred mission sometimes conflict with what is happening on the ground. In fact, there is a group of religious followers to violence in the name of religion. They are free to accuse others as sinners, hitting, intimidating, and even destroying.…read more

Image Wednesday, January 09, 2013 | 11:10 WIB | 167
Give Different Treatment on Students, RSBI Unconstitutional

Article in Law Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System (Education Law) again canceled by the Constitutional Court on Tuesday (8/1) by Decision No. 5/PUU-X/2012 which was read by Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Moh. Mahfud MD. Article…read more

Image Tuesday, January 08, 2013 | 20:05 WIB | 73
Court Rejects Presidential Election Act’s Review Proposed by Five Chieftains in Papua

Election Systems President and Vice President in the 1945 Constitution not only by a majority vote but also the majority of parole as provided in Article 6A paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution which states, "The pair of candidates for…read more

Image Tuesday, January 08, 2013 | 20:04 WIB | 94
Court Unauthorized to prosecute concrete case of Act on Employment

Judicial Review of Act 43/1999 on Amendment of Act 8/1974 on the Principles of Civil Service - Case No. 91/PUU-X/2012 - ended with the issuance of the Court decree stating no authority to hear the case. "Define, said the Constitutional…read more

Image Tuesday, January 08, 2013 | 20:03 WIB | 118
Judicial Review of Act on Corruption Eradication Commission Unacceptable

The Constitutional Court (MK) has passed a decision on the case number 80/PUU-X/2012 regarding the review of Act 30 of 2002 on the Corruption Eradication Commission, namely Article 50 paragraph (3). In its decision, the Court declared the petition has…read more