Court Rejected Dispute of Election Result of Konawe Regency

The Constitutional Court (MK) decided to reject the case entirely dispute of election result of Konawe 2013 - Case No. 21/PHPU.D-XI/2013 - Candidate No. 8 Surunuddin Dangga - Siti Amina Rasak Porosi. This was conveyed by Chief Justice of the Plenary Moh. Mahfud MD on Thursday (28/3) afternoon. "The verdict, rejected the petition to all," said Mahfud.

Petitioner responded to the Court related to the use of the Regional Development Budget for the help given to the village headman to be distributed to the public in order to vote for candidate number 6 - Couple "memorable" - as evidenced by the existence of the warrant disbursement and bank statements each villages that receive funds. To prove their argument Applicant submitted documentary evidence or written evidence that is marked P-15, P-16, P-16a, 16c and witnesses called Rudin Latunggala and Suharto. 

After carefully looking at the Court statements of the Petitioner, the Related Parties, evidence or written by the Petitioner, the Petitioner Witness and Witnesses Related Party, according to the Court, the help of the village are lawful throughout performed according to the budget approved by parliament. Moreover, there can be proved by convincing evidence how the role of direct use of budget and / or ADD to influence voters chooses candidates to be number 6. "Therefore, Petitioners’ argument is unproven and unwarranted under the law," said Judge M. Akil Mochtar who read the opinion of the Court.

Furthermore, the Court gave an opinion on Petitioner related involvement Dept. of Education Konawe using notebooks using Konawe Department of Education and the Government logo as well as family photos Konawe Regent H. Lukman Abunawas the labeled number 6, according to the serial number of "memorable couples" to be distributed to high school students of Konawe.

After carefully looking at the Court statements of the Petitioner, Related Party, evidence or written by the Petitioner, the Petitioner Witness, witness the Related Parties, according to the Court, proved to have no notebooks distribution to Class 12 students of SMAN 1 Wawotobi to a number of more or less 268 people. But if it had no book division, could not be ascertained the students do not elect candidate number 6.

And vice versa it cannot be proved how far the influence of the distribution of the book has been significantly affecting the vote of the Related Party. Moreover, the amount of noise the students did not significantly affect the number of votes each candidate. Therefore, according to the Court, the Petitioners’ argument is unproven and unwarranted by law.

Then the Court responded to Petitioners’ argument regarding Southeast Sulawesi Governor Nur Alam on behalf of, as well as the SE Regional Chairman of the Executive Board of the National Mandate Party of Southeast Sulawesi province that provides easy for permission to leave the incumbent regent Konawe and can coordinate governors and deputy regent a Province Southeast Sulawesi proposed or nominated by the National Mandate Party Sulawesi to participate as a campaigner.

Against these arguments, the Court after carefully examine statements of the Petitioner, the Respondent, the Related Parties, evidence or written of the Applicant and Related Party, according to the Court, granting leave of absence as a campaigner in accordance with the statutory provisions as outlined in recent Decree Governor of Southeast Sulawesi. Therefore, according to the Court, the Petitioners’ argument is unproven and unreasonable laws. (Nano Tresna Arfana / mh)

Thursday, March 28, 2013 | 17:48 WIB 73