Image Tuesday, February 02, 2021 | 21:45 WIB | 274
Court Hears Responses by Bengkulu Province and Kaur Regency KPU

Chief Justice Anwar Usman alongside Constitutional Justices Wahiduddin Adams and Enny Nurbaningsih at the second hearing of the Bengkulu Province and Kaur Regency election results dispute hearing, Tuesday (2/2/2021) in the Courtroom of the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Ifa.…read more

Image Tuesday, February 02, 2021 | 19:58 WIB | 365
General Election Commission (KPU) of Labuhanbatu and South Labuhanbatu Response in MK Court Hearing

Legal attorney of General Election Commission (KPU) delivering KPU’s response towards petitioner’s proposition at the court room. Tuesday, (02/02). Photo: PR/Ilham JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—The second hearing of the 2020 Labuhan Batu Regent Election Results Dispute was…read more

Image Tuesday, February 02, 2021 | 18:20 WIB | 302
Banyuwangi General Election Commission (KPU) Denies Allegations of Yusuf Widyatmoko-Muhammad Riza Azizy

Miftakhul Huda as the attorney of Banyuwangi KPU when giving a statement at the hearing, Tuesday (2/02). Photo:PR/Teguh. JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—In the hearing session on Tuesday (2/1/2021), Panel III which presided by the Constitutional Justice Arief…read more

Image Tuesday, February 02, 2021 | 18:14 WIB | 298
Bawaslu RI Reveals Recommendation to Disqualify Kutai Kartanegara Regeny Candidates

The Respondent’s attorney Hifdzil Alim delivering a statement at the Kutai Kartanegara regent election results dispute hearing, Tuesday (2/2/2021) in the Courtroom of the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Teguh. JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—The Elections Supervisory Body…read more

Image Tuesday, February 02, 2021 | 17:29 WIB | 382
No Objections, Belu Regency KPU Deems Petition Not under Court's Authority

Attorney of the Belu Regency KPU Edy Halomoan Gurning at the second hearing of the Belu regent election results dispute, Tuesday (2/2/2021) in the Courtroom of the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Ifa. JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—The…read more

Image Tuesday, February 02, 2021 | 16:14 WIB | 327
Purworejo and Rembang Regency KPU Deem Petitions Obscure

Regency KPU member Purnomosidi delivering a response at the second hearing of the Purworejo regent election results dispute, Tuesday (2/2/2021) in the Courtroom of the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Ifa. JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—The second hearing…read more

Image Tuesday, February 02, 2021 | 15:52 WIB | 319
Mandailing Natal General Elections Commission (Madina KPU) Clarifies the Arguments of Jafar-Atika and Sofwat-Zubeir

The Constitutional Justices heard the testimony of the Mandailing Natal District Bawaslu, during the hearing session of the 2020 regional head election dispute, case No. 79,86/PHP.BUP-XIX/2021, Tuesday (02/02). Photo: PR/Ilham. JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court— Mandailing Natal (Madina)…read more

Image Tuesday, February 02, 2021 | 14:20 WIB | 283
Hearing the Response of Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir and North Musi Rawas General Elections Commission (KPU)

The attorney of Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir (PALI) KPU, Ali Nurdin, conveyed the respondent's response in the regional head election results dispute, case No. 16/PHP.BUP-XIX/2021, Monday, (01/02). Photo: PR/Ilham. JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—The second hearing of the…read more

Image Tuesday, February 02, 2021 | 10:13 WIB | 326
MK Listen to the Answers of Balikpapan and Waropen General Election Commissions (KPU)

Wawan Sanjaya as the Respondent's attorney during his testimony at Balikpapan regional election dispute hearing, Monday (1/02). Photo: PR/Teguh JAKARTA, PUBLIC RELATIONS OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT - Constitutional Court (MK) held the second hearing session of the 2020 Regional Head…read more

Image Tuesday, February 02, 2021 | 10:03 WIB | 326
Solok Regency KPU Denies Invalidation of Ballots

Attorney Rudi Harmono delivering the Respondent’s response at the second hearing of the Solok regent election results dispute, Monday (1/2/2021) in the Courtroom of the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Ifa. JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—In the fourth…read more