Image Friday, December 28, 2012 | 05:15 WIB | 202
Mahfud notes on Problem of Law Enforcement and Human Rights in 2012

Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) Moh. Mahfud MD attended a public discussion titled "Reflection and Evaluation 2012 Law Enforcement and Human Rights" organized by the Central Board (DPP) United Development Party (PPP), Wednesday (26/12). On that occasion Mahfud…read more

Image Friday, December 28, 2012 | 05:09 WIB | 159
Chief Justice Received Jawa Pos Editor’s Visit

Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK), Moh. Mahfud MD received a visit from the editor of the newspaper Jawa Pos, Thursday (27/12). One of the Jawa Pos editor presented in this meeting was the Jakarta Bureau Chief Jawa Pos,…read more

Image Thursday, December 27, 2012 | 11:54 WIB | 143
Constitution Lecture in Salafiyah Syafiiyah Asembagus Islamic Boarding House

The mainstream law of legisme it is subject to the law where the judge has a submission against the law. Submission is that each judge was not acting arbitrarily. So that was delivered by Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court,…read more

Image Thursday, December 27, 2012 | 11:49 WIB | 183
Mahfud MD: the highlight of Indonesian culture is Pancasila

The ancestors of the Indonesian nation since before respected for human dignity and respect for humanitarian civilization. So that Indonesia has a national culture. Indonesia was the nation has a culture of mutual aid and Bung Karno also said such…read more

Image Friday, December 21, 2012 | 17:34 WIB | 229
Improving the quality of human resources, Court Signed MoU with Brawijaya University

To improve the quality of its human resources, one of the programs that made by the Court is encouraging its employees to continue their education to a doctoral program or S3. In order to achieve this, on Friday (21/12), the…read more

Image Friday, December 21, 2012 | 12:40 WIB | 153
Mahfud MD: Law Enforcement Firmed If the Leader Clean and No Hostage

We need more hard-hitting in law enforcement. But it can only be realized if leaders at various levels of the hostages seized net law and politics. This was stated by Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) Moh. Mahfud MD…read more

Image Thursday, December 20, 2012 | 17:14 WIB | 112
Experts: Sharia Banking Dispute Resolution Should be by Religious Court

The review of Act 21/2008 concerning Islamic Banking - Case No.93/PUU-X/2012 - entered the agenda for a briefing from the Petitioner, on Thursday (20/12) afternoon in the courtroom of the Constitutional Court (MK). Ija Suntana as Petitioner’s experts presented and…read more

Image Thursday, December 20, 2012 | 17:13 WIB | 135
Maria Farida Indrati Talked about Religious Rights in Public Dialogue on National Commission for

Religious rights should be read as the right to profess religion and belief are believed correct all unobtrusive religious rights and beliefs of others, as set forth in paragraph 28J (2) of the 1945 Constitution. This was disclosed by the…read more

Image Thursday, December 20, 2012 | 12:44 WIB | 94
Court Commanded to Repeat Polling in Three Villages of Deiyai District

The Constitutional Court (MK) back ordered General Election Commission (KPU) in order to implement the polling repeating of Deiyai District. Repeating voting conducted in three villages in the district of West Tigi, namely Widuwakia village, Wagomani village and Demago village.…read more

Image Wednesday, December 19, 2012 | 20:35 WIB | 182
Two Workers Questioned Layoff Provision in Labor Law

Termination or layoff (PHK) Provision when the company merged (merge) in Employment Act be multiple interpretations. According to the Petitioners, Dunung Wijanarko and Wawan Adi Swi Yanto, Article 163 paragraph (1) Labor Law has impaired his constitutional rights. "Since eliminating…read more