Thursday, February 01, 2007 | 17:21 WIB |
The Constitutional Court conducted a preliminary examination of a judicial review of Law Number 22/1997 on Narcotics on Thursday, 1 February 2007 at…read more
Thursday, February 01, 2007 | 17:21 WIB |
Today, Wednesday, January 31, 2007, the Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK), Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie accompanied by the Secretary General, Janedjri M. Gaffar, five special advisors and secretariat staff of the…read more
Thursday, February 01, 2007 | 11:06 WIB |
As a multicultural country, Indonesia has variety of local languages that are used daily and one national language that functions as a unified…read more
Wednesday, January 31, 2007 | 14:13 WIB |
On Tuesday, January 30, 2007, the Constitutional Court (MK) performed a first court session concerning a case pertaining a review of Article 55, Law No. 5/1986 about Court of Justice for Civil Cases…read more
Monday, January 29, 2007 | 13:43 WIB |
The Nationâs Awakening Party (PKB) Faction led by Prof. Cecep Syarifuddin had made a sociable visit to the Constitutional Court (MK) last Friday, January 26, 2007. The MK…read more
Thursday, January 25, 2007 | 16:34 WIB |
The 1945 Constitution of Indonesian Republic (UUD 1945) has been amended four times in which all (the revised versions) have permanent legal powers and they are effective since established. This statement expressed by…read more
Thursday, January 25, 2007 | 16:30 WIB |
Thursday, 25 January 2007 at 10.00 am Constitutional Court held court hearing again on the dispute of state institution authority filed by Regional House of Representative (DPRD) of Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi…read more
Thursday, January 25, 2007 | 10:01 WIB |
The Constitutional Court held a panel hearing for checking the revised petition of the judicial review of Article 35 (a) of Law number 39/2004…read more
Thursday, January 25, 2007 | 10:01 WIB |
The Constitutional Court ruled in its verdict on 22 March 2006 that national education budget should reach 20%. However, in the…read more
Thursday, January 18, 2007 | 13:35 WIB |
This morning (18/1), the Constitutional Court decided to refuse the petition of Police Chief Commissioner (Ret.) Drs. H. M. Sofwat Hadi, S.H., for the review of several articles…read more