Decision and Hearing
Image Tuesday, February 04, 2014 | 18:17 WIB | 162
Appointment Restricted, Notary Law Sued

Law Number 30 Year 2004 concerning Notary reviewed materially to the Constitutional Court (MK) on Tuesday (4/2) at the Plenary Court. Case registered with the Registrar of the Court Number 5/PUU-XIII/2014 was filed by Muhammad Thoha. In the…read more

Tuesday, February 04, 2014 | 18:16 WIB | 152
Applicant Reviewing Bankruptcy Law Revised Petition: Legal Entityto be Individual

The trial continued against Law No. 37 of 2004 on Bankruptcy and Suspension of Payments Debt (BankruptcyAct) re-reviewed material to the Constitutional Court (MK) on Monday (3/2) at the Plenary Court. Number of cases registered with 109/PUU-XI/2013 was filed by…read more

Image Monday, February 03, 2014 | 21:02 WIB | 73
Revising Petition, Yusril Still Asked for Election2014 in Unison

Former Cabinet Minister of Law and Human Rights and also Presidential Candidate of the Crescent Star Party (PBB), Yusril Ihza Mahendra presents in the second trial court review of Act 42 of 2008 on the General Election of President and…read more

Image Thursday, January 30, 2014 | 19:06 WIB | 102
Case Object to be Law, Review on Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Unacceptable

The Constitutional Court (MK) cannot accept the request for review of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law petition because the object has been set into Law No. 4 of 2014 concerning Stipulation of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No.…read more

Image Thursday, January 30, 2014 | 16:42 WIB | 97
Court : Copy on Arrest Letter at the Latest 7 Days

The word " immediately " in the formulation of Article 18 paragraph ( 3 ) of the Law on Criminal Procedure (Criminal Code ) on a copy of the arrest warrant for the family of conditional declared unconstitutional if interpreted…read more

Image Thursday, January 30, 2014 | 16:41 WIB | 95
Court Grants Withdrawal Petition for Education Law Review

The Constitutional Court (MK) read statutes on recall petition of Act No. 20/2003 on National Education System, filed by Lukman Hakim Musta’in, Rector of Darul Ulum University, Jombang, East Java, which is registered with the number 77/PUU-XI/2013 in the Plenary…read more

Image Thursday, January 30, 2014 | 13:54 WIB | 124
Review on Farmer Protection and Empowerment: Applicant Presents Two Experts

Judicial review of Act 19/2013 on the Protection and Empowerment of Farmers - Case No. 87/PUU-XI/2013 - resumed on Thursday (30/1) afternoon. Agenda of the session is to listen to the expert testimony of Petitioner’s Dianto Bachriadi researchers at the…read more

Image Wednesday, January 29, 2014 | 21:25 WIB | 110
Proving Resources Act Mistakes, Muhammadiyah et al Presents Three Experts

The Constitutional Court (MK) trial resumed review on Act No. 7 of 2004 on Water Resources in the case 85/PUU-XI/2013, Wednesday (29/01/2013) that led Chief Justice Hamdan Zoelva. Muhammadiyah, et al as the applicant testing this Article 6 paragraph (…read more

Image Tuesday, January 28, 2014 | 20:06 WIB | 148
Expert and Government Witnesses: Mass Organizations Act No Repressive

Constitutional Court (MK) held a review hearing of Organizations Act. Tuesday (28/1), filed by community organizations of Muhammadiyah (Case No. 82/PUU-XI/2013) and the combined NGO (Case No. 3/PUU-XII/2014) convened at the Plenary Court. This time, the government presented expert and…read more

Image Tuesday, January 28, 2014 | 16:44 WIB | 83
Again, Law on Establishment of District Tambraw to be Reviewed

The entry of a district area of ​​Sorong and Manokwari districts into the new expansion area, District Tambraw, as stipulated in the Act No. 14 of 2013 on the Amendment of Act No. 56 of 2008 concerning the Establishment of…read more