Court Dismisses Genpabumi Petition Over Missed Deadline

The ruling hearing for case 277/PHPU.WAKO-XXIII/2025 on the 2024 Gresik regent election results dispute, Wednesday (2/5/2025). Photo by MKRI.

JAKARTA (MKRI) —  On Wednesday, February 5, 2025, the Constitutional Court (MK) dismissed the petition for Case No. 277/PHPU.WAKO-XXIII/2025 during the ruling hearing on the 2024 Gresik regent election results dispute. The ruling for the petition, filed by Budhy Pakarti, an individual Indonesian citizen, was delivered by Chief Justice Suhartoyo accompanied by eight other Justices in the plenary courtroom.

Chief Justice Suhartoyo asserted that the Petitioners’ petition was filed late according to Law No. 10 of 2016 and the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 3 of 2024. Therefore, the exception on the deadline for filing a petition is legally reasonable. As a result, the Court would not further consider other exceptions, legal standing, the Petitioners’ subject matter, deeming them irrelevant.

“[The Court] adjudicated, rejecting the exception on the Court’s authority, to grant the Respondent’s and the Relevant Party’s exceptions regarding the petition submission period; on the petition’s subject matter: to declare the Petitioners’ petition inadmissible,” said Chief Justice Suhartoyo while reading out the verdict for this case.

Also read:

Genpabumi Challenges Fandi-Asluchul’s Victory in Gresik against Blank Vote

KPU Gresik: Genpabumi Not Registered as Election Observers

At the preliminary hearing on January 8, 2025, the Petitioners requested the annulment of the KPU (General Elections Commission) Decree No. 2752 of 2024 on certification of the Gresik regent election results dated December 4, 2024. The Petitioners stated that the votes obtained by Candidate Pair 01 Fandi Ahmad Yani and Asluchul Alif totaled 366,944. Meanwhile, there were 247,479 blank votes and 35,749 invalid votes. A total of 650,172 voters have turned out, out of 971,740 eligible final voters.  

The blank vote’s defeat, the Petitioner asserted, was due to lack of information from the KPU to the community, especially in twelve districts: Driyorejo, Palongpanggang, Wringin Anom, Kedamean, Menganti, Benjeng, Cerme, Duduk Sampeyan, Dukun, Panceng, Sangkapura, and Tambak. The Petitioner requested that the Court order the Gresik Regency KPU to certify the blank vote as the election winner and to order it to conduct a revote in Menganti, Driyorejo, Wringin Anom, Cerme, Benjeng, and Balongpanggang Districts.

Author       : Sri Pujianti

Editor        : N. Rosi
Translator  : Ryan Alfian/FS (RA)

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.


Wednesday, February 05, 2025 | 15:21 WIB 14