Dogiyai Regent Election Result Dispute: Logistics Taken by Force

Principal Petitioner Orgenes Kotouki (right) and Petitioners’s legal counsel, Theodora Amfotis at the preliminary hearing for the 2024 Dogiyai regent election dispute case No. 178/PHPU.BUP-XXIII/2025 Photo by MKRI/Ifa

JAKARTA, (MKRI) - Candidate Pair Number 4 for Regent and Deputy Regent of Dogiyai Regency Alfred Fredy Anouw filed petition for the cancellation of the Dogiyai Regency General Election Commission (KPU) Decree No. 701 of 2024 on the certification of the 2024 Dogiyai regent election results. The preliminary hearing was presided over by Panel 1 Chief Justice Suhartoyo (panel chair) and Constitutional Justices Daniel Yusmic P. Foekh and M. Guntur Hamzah on Thursday, January 16, 2025.

In the petition for Case No. 178/PHPU.BUP-XXIII/2025, Theodora Amfotis as the Petitioners’s legal counsel conveyed the vote acquisition of candidate pairs according to the Respondent, as follows: Candidate Pair Number 01 Ruben Magai-Mateus Douw received 7,944 votes, Candidate Pair Number 02 Yudas Tebai-Yuliten Anauw received 41,900 votes, Candidate Pair Number 03 Otopianus P. Tebai-Angkian Goo received 9,618 votes, Candidate Pair Number 04 Alfred Fredy Anouw-Orgenes Kotoki (Petitioners) received 23,407 votes, Candidate Pair Number 05 Freny Anouw-Abni Auwe received 2,292 votes, and Candidate Pair Number 06 Oskar Makai-Yani Bobi received 10,919 votes, with a total of 98,080 valid votes. Meanwhile, according to the Petitioners, there is a difference in the votes received between Candidate Pair Number 02 Judas Tebai-Yuliten Anauw who received 31,900 votes, and the Petitioners who received 33,407 votes.

“The discrepancy in the Petitioner's votes was due to the Respondent's error in counting votes at the district Election Committee (PPK) level. For instance, in Mafia District, there was a delay in delivering the recapitulation from the Central Executive Board (DPP) to the KPU, which should have been completed no later than 24:00 WIT but was delayed until 04:00 WIT. Additionally, in Mafia District, there are more than 4,000 votes in the hamlet, yet the polling station working committee (KPPS) did not hold a plenary meeting in that district. Instead, the plenary meeting was held at the district election committee (PPD),” said Theodora.

In The Dogiyai Regency, The noken system was applied, so the voting was conducted based on bundles of votes that should have been counted at the polling stations, but instead, the votes were conducted at the PPD. This is reinforced by the existence of election logistics that have never been brought to the polling stations or in the KPP. Based on the information from the Petitioner's witness, the campaign team of Candidate Pair Number 02 took the logistics by force which were then delivered to the KPU. So those who carry ballot boxes from PPD to KPU Dogiyai Regency are not PPD officers, but the campaign team and supporters of Candidate Pair Number 02.

Therefore, the Petitioners requests that the Court order the Dogiyai Regency KPU to conduct a recount of votes in Kamu Utara KKP along with the noken the Yametadi Village by returning the Petitioner's votes that were taken by Candidate Pair Number 02 and order Bawaslu Dogiyai Regency to supervise the recount of votes.

Read Also:

Petition Case No.178/PHPU.BUP-XXIII/2025

Petition Case No.175/PHPU.BUP-XXIII/2025

Petition Case No.194/PHPU.BUP-XXIII/2025

Read Also:

Noken Votes Transferred to Another Candidate Pair Due to Intimidation

Author    : Sri Pujianti.
Editor     : N. Rosi.    
Translators  : Dinta Aktivia/FS

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.


Thursday, January 16, 2025 | 19:17 WIB 34