Court Maps Preparation for Resolution of Election Results Disputes

Acting Secretary-General Heru Setiawan closing the workshop for the preparation for the legislative and presidential election results dispute resolution (PHPU), Saturday (2/25/2023) in Bogor. Photo by MKRI/Ifa.

Saturday, February 25, 2023 | 16:18 WIB

BOGOR (MKRI) — The Constitutional Court’s (MK) general administrative support workshop to prepare for the legislative and presidential election results dispute resolution (PHPU) for the taskforce in 2023 on was closed officially by Acting Secretary-General Heru Setiawan on Saturday, February 25, 2023 in Bogor. Staff members as well as structural and functional officials attended the event, which took place from Thursday to Saturday, February 23-25.

In his closing remarks, Heru said that the three commissions who worked during the workshop had expressed their preparedness to welcome the 2024 Simultaneous Election. They prepared performance targets, performance indicators, and standards as guidelines for work and risk mitigation for the taskforce in the implementation of the resolution of 2024 PHPU cases.

“Let’s make systematic and comprehensive action plans to set targets for the preparedness to support PHPU resolution for the 2024 Simultaneous Election,” he urged.

Reporting on the workshop, Head of the Facilities and Hearing Technical Services Department Johan Yustisianto said that 337 Court employees actively participated in the workshop. The discussion results of the workshop had been prepared in a report with indicators for each unit.

“This [preparation] does not end here, but is a beginning that requires review for implementation,” he said.

Also read: Court Holds Workshop to Prepare for Resolution of Election Results Disputes

Quality Services

On this second day of the event, all employees who would be part of the PHPU taskforce were divided into three commissions. The first commission comprised case registration administration, case document administration, summons, court hearing management, registrar and transcript administration, and case data and decision management. The second commission comprised public relations and publication; infrastructure, facilities, security, and internal affairs; and information and communications technology. The third commission comprised planning and finances; oversight; and human resources, oath commissioners, and medical personnel. Each of the commissions discussed workplans, targets, business processes, SOPs, and PHPU resolution report. All members provided inputs, opinions, and evaluation to ensure that the 2024 Simultaneous Election PHPU would run smoothly.

On behalf of the public relations and publication division, Head of Public Relations and National Affairs Department Fajar Laksono explained ten work areas for hearing and non-hearing activities, which end in schedule, news reporting, and documentation. He explained that the Court’s media team—comprising news writers, cameramen, news editors, news reporters, and all PR personnel—work as a unity to ensure that all work are distributed to the respective personnel.

“The ten work areas are always ongoing in Public Relations, starting from preparation until after PHPU decisions,” he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the Center for Information and Communication Technology Sigit Purnomo said that in order to prepare for the PHPU, the ICT Center would perform many things that it does not typically do daily. He also touched on the number of cases that the Court would register.

“Although the proceedings are ongoing, Petitioners might submit additional documents, so the ICT admins are prepared to handle it. All activities, starting from petition filing, will be recorded in the report until the final report. The ICT team is preparing for this great agenda by preparing software such as the queue (NUPP) machine, Simpel, SIMPP, e-BRPK, e-minutes, news, and the Court’s website more optimally,” he said.

On behalf of the infrastructure and facilities division, Head of the General Affairs Bureau Elisabeth asserted that coordination and equipment for infrastructure and facilities had been prepared in order to facilitate the taskforce. “The target expected from the work indicators is quality services for justice seekers during PHPU resolution,” she explained.

Author       : Sri Pujianti
Editor        : Nur R.
Translator  : Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)

Translation uploaded on 3/8/2023 11:49 WIB

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Saturday, February 25, 2023 | 16:18 WIB 145