Chief Justice Anwar Usman giving his remarks at a workshop for the preparation for the legislative and presidential election results dispute resolution (PHPU) for taskforce in 2023, Thursday (2/23/2023) in Bogor. Photo by MKRI/Bayu.
Thursday, February 23, 2023 | 23:30 WIB
BOGOR (MKRI) — The Constitutional Court (MK) held a general administrative support workshop to prepare for the legislative and presidential election results dispute resolution (PHPU) for the taskforce in 2023 on Thursday, February 23, 202 in Bogor. The event, attended by all employees and structural and functional officials, was opened by Chief Justice Anwar Usman in person, with Acting Secretary-General Heru Setiawan in attendance.
In his speech, the chief justice stated that this event showed that the constitutional duty to resolve election dispute cases was approaching. The Court acts as the final adjudicator in determining the country’s leaders in the following term. Chief Justice Anwar specifically mentioned that elections in Indonesia are considered the most democratic and well-handled, and decisions on disputes over elections are respected by all elements of the nation. Therefore, good commitment and performance are needed to ensure that election dispute cases are resolved smoothly and receive public trust.
“Optimal understanding of procedural law is necessary for both the Court and external parties. With it, high-quality decisions can be produced. Therefore, in the implementation of taskforce duties in the future, we all need to build a work culture oriented towards justice. Let justice be a driving force that inspires us in every work, situation, and opportunity. Work with the intention of worshiping the One Almighty God.” Anwar said.
Competent Taskforce
Elections are a constitutional mandate carried out directly, publicly, freely, confidentially, honestly, and fairly every five years. With regard to legal certainty, each election has its own challenges, including the upcoming 2024 Simultaneous Election. The Court achieves this through resolving election results dispute cases. In facing this national agenda, it needs to prepare optimal support through various efforts, including the workshop, which will take place from Thursday to Saturday, February 23-25.
“This program is a priority to improve the integrity and performance of the taskforce, who will later work optimally so that through this agenda, competent taskforce candidates can be produced for resolving disputes over the results of legislative and presidential elections,” Heru said.
Strengthening Accountability
In the first session of this workshop, Hanif Mohamad Taufik from the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK RI) discussed the principles of state financial management contained in Article 3 paragraph (1) of Law No. 17 of 2003 on State Finances. To implement accountable and transparent principles joint efforts is needed to improve public sector budgeting process by implementing a performance-based budget. Thus, budget can then become a means of accountability, management, and economic policy and function to realize economic growth and stability.
Hanif said that since the election is funded by taxpayers, not only accountability through compliance that must be prioritized, but also propriety in using state finances. For the upcoming PHPU, the Court can conduct financial statement audits, performance audits, and audits with specific purposes on its budget.
“Through today’s discussion, it is expected that the Court can have a better understanding of the importance of strengthening accountability in budget management,” he explained.
Improving Integrity
Next, Wuryono Prakoso from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) talked about the importance of improving integrity among public officials to maintain public trust. In his view, gratification in the public service sector is important to note because elections are highly subject to corruption for political gains.
“Thus, the Court serves to produce leaders with integrity. Although not directly deciding cases, everyone here is a part, starting from the officer who inputs data, to those involved in the PHPU examination. Remember, gratification, bribery, and extortion are things that are very relevant to PHPU,” he explained.
In the last session on the first day of this workshop, the Acting Secretary-General Heru Setiawan and Chief Registrar Muhidin explained PHPU preparation for all Constitutional Court employees. It includes preparing workplans, targets, business process, and SOP for the taskforce and reporting PHPU resolution.
“Everyone must have performance targets so that each person is aware of their role and contribution in the upcoming PHPU task. Therefore, we need to work together by building a joint work system,” he said Heru.
The workshop is planned to take place for three days, from Thursday to Saturday, February 23-25 in Bogor. The participants will receive various materials and discuss to prepare workplans for PHPU resolution.
Author : Sri Pujianti
Editor : Nur R.
Translator : Azzahra Salsabilla/Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)
Translation uploaded on 3/8/2023 10:22 WIB
Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.
Thursday, February 23, 2023 | 23:30 WIB 153