Winners of the Constitution Debate Competition taking pictures with Chief Justice Anwar Usman, Secretary-General M. Guntur Hamzah, and jury chair Bayu Dwi Anggono, Thursday (11/25/2021) at Four Seasons Jakarta. Photo by Humas MK/Teguh.
Friday, November 26, 2021 | 15:48 WIB
JAKARTA, Public Relations—Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) Anwar Usman closed the Constitution Awards X and the All-Indonesia University Student Constitutional Debate Competition XIV on Thursday evening, November 25, 2021 in a hybrid manner (onsite and online) from the Four Seasons Hotel, Jakarta.
The chief justice said the debate constitution is a routine event by the Court that serves as a forum and training ground for interested students to improve and test their skills and knowledge of the law and the Constitution.
All participating teams, he said, were the best of their universities. “To win a competition, hard work and grit is required,” he added. However, the competition is not about finding winners, but also to instill constitutional values and awareness of the law, so that the students can understand and internalize the noble values in the Constitution.
Victory, he said, is the results of cooperation, hard work, and smart work. He believes that the key to competing is not the desire to win, but the humility in accepting win and the grace in accepting defeat.
Also read: Court Holds Constitution Awards X for PPKn Teachers
Aside from the debate competition, the Court also held the Constitution Awards for outstanding Pancasila and Civic Education (PPKn) teachers. The event was the Court’s appreciation for PPKn teachers for the extraordinary dedication to improving the national life. The role of PPKn is often seen as complementary among the subjects in school, when knowledge about Pancasila and citizenship will be useful for students in the future, not only in their work environment, but also in society.
Therefore, the awards, which had been going for several years, are maintained to reflect the Court’s attention to the development of Pancasila and civic education and its appreciation for PPKn teachers for their extraordinary dedication in contributing to the development of Pancasila and civic education.
The awards also indicate the Court’s appreciation for PPKn teachers for the extraordinary dedication in introducing to students the Constitution, which is the basic law of the state that all citizens must understand and implement in their daily lives. PPKn teachers have a role in inculcating the values of Pancasila and the Constitution to students in their schools.
Also read: Secretary-General Opens All-Indonesia University Student Constitutional Debate Competition
Words for Winners
In his report, Secretary-General M. Guntur Hamzah said the Constitution Awards X, which took place on November 15-16, and the varsity constitution debate competition XIV, which took place on November 17-19, took place in a hybrid manner (onsite and online). The participants participated virtually while the jury participated online from the Court’s Pancasila and Constitution Education Center (Pusdik), Cisarua, Bogor.
Thirty-nine teachers at elementary schools (SD)/madrasah ibtidaiyah (MI), junior high schools (SMP)/madrasah tsanawiyah (MTs), and senior high schools (SMA)/vocational senior high schools (SMK)/madrasah aliyah (MA), and schools for special needs (SLB) participated in the awards after passing the initial selection at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology as representatives of all provinces in Indonesia. Those 39 finalists presented a paper on the PPKn teaching-learning best practices/innovations.
“Tonight, we will see three outstanding teachers competing for the best titles,” Guntur said.
Also read: University Constitutional Debate Competition Enters Elimination Round
Amid restrictions due to COVID-19 pandemic, the students were enthusiastic in participating in the constitution debate competition. It started with the elimination round, where 138 teams from all across Indonesia competed. Out of those, 126 teams passed the next round, then 24 teams left after the elimination round.
The 24 teams competed to seek two finalists. Tonight was the final round of the debate competition where a team from the University of North Sumatera (USU) competed with that of Sebelas Maret University (UNS).
“The two universities (USU and UNS) have bested 22 others in the elimination, quarterfinal, and semifinal. They are the two best teams that will compete for the highest positon of the All-Indonesia University Student Constitutional Debate Competition XIV in 2021,” Guntur said.
He also stressed whoever the winner would be, the Court would remain appreciative of all participants. The gathering and sharing of ideas on the nation and constitutionalism is a good tradition that should be continued and developed in schools and campuses.
Guntur also hoped that the ideas and opinions of the teachers and students in the competition would transcend the classrooms. The roles of teachers and students have always made a mark in history, not only in education, but also in inculcating nationalism and sense of justice in a free, civilized society. The contribution to advancing the nation does not have to be with grand gestures. Even contribution in the profession or discipline is meaningful.
“Teachers, you determine the seeds to sow to produce young generation with character and concern for the future of the republic,” Guntur concluded.
Winners of Constitution Awards
The two competitions were a collaboration between the Court’s Pancasila and Constitution Education Center; the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology; and the Ministry of Religious Affairs. The Constitution Awards X were targeted for outstanding PPKn teachers at SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/SMK/MA, and SLB.
In the special education/SLB category, the first winner was Dirham Gumawang Andipurnama from SKH 01 Pembina Pandeglang, Banten. The second winner was Rusdian Jamil from SLB Negeri 1 Martapura, Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan. The third winner was Ine Rahayu from SLB Cicendo, Bandung City, West Java.
In the general category, the winners were divided into three levels: SD/MI, SMP/MTs, and SMA/SMK/MA.
The winners of the SD/MI level were: first, Pipit Pujiastuti from SD Negeri Purwantoro 01 Malang, East Java: second, Amirotul Azizah from MIN 6 Demak, Central Java; third, Edi Arham from SD Negeri Lalowata, Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi; first runner-up, Muhaimin from SD Negeri Aengtaber 1, Tanjungbumi Bangkalan, East Java; and second runner-up, Sri Handayani Widianingrum from MIN II Kulonprogo, Special Region of Yogyakarta.
The winners of the SMP/MTs level were: first, Achmad Sholehudin from MTs Negeri I Lamongan, East Java; second, Nyoman Agus Udayana; third, Syarifah Aziziah from SMP Negeri 1 Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara; first runner-up, Ahmadun from MTs Negeri 3 Demak, Central Java; and second runner-up, Aslamiah from SMP Negeri 1 Tanjungpura, North Sumatera.
Last, the winners of the SMA/SMK/MA level were: first, Marwan Arjuli from SMA Negeri Poto Tano, West Nusa Tenggara; second, Ida Rohayani; third, Nur Rochmah Erinawati; first runner-up, Dani Akhmad Ma’rufin from SMA Negeri Pemali, Bangka Belitung Islands; second runner-up, Elisa Susanti from MAN 3 Cilacap, Central Java.
Also read: USU and UNS to Compete in Final Round of Debate Competition
UNS Wins Constitution Debate
The winners of the debate competition were the Sebelas Maret Univeristy (UNS) in the first place, the University of North Sumatera (USU) in the second place, Diponegoro University in the third place, and Syiah Kuala University in the fourth place. The Best Speaker title was won by Ayudya Pratiwi from USU.
Also read: Constitution Awards X: Participants Undergo Interview Round
The Constitution Awards is an annual competition between PPKn teachers in teaching constitutional awareness. Such education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and process where students and/or the community actively develop their potential to have the necessary skills to become good citizens according to the rules of the state constitution, both as individuals, members of the community, and citizens.
The assessment was carried out in stages, starting with the elimination round at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, followed by the interview round at the Constitutional Court. It concluded with the grand final on the Constitution Awards Night.
The interview round took place on Monday-Tuesday, November 15-16, 2021. The members of the jury are Khairul Fahmi (law lecturer of Andalas University), Andy Omara (law lecturer of Gadjah Mada University), Mirza Nasution (law lecturer of University of North Sumatera), Kokom Komalasari (lecturer of Civic Education of the Education University), Galang Asmara (lecturer of the University of Mataram), Muhammad Gowim (lecturer of the Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University), I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani (law lecturer of Sebelas Maret University), Siti Marwiyah (rector of dr. Soetomo University), Jimmy Z. Usfunan (law lecturer of Udayana University), Aidul Fitriciada Azhari (professor of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta), Prayoga Bestari (lecturer of the Education University), Ainurrafiq (Head of Sub-directorate of the Development of Teacher and Education Personnel of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah and Madrasah Tsanawiyah), Bayu Dwi Anggono (Director of the Center for Pancasila and Constitutional Studies of the Law Faculty of the University of Jember), Radian Salman (law lecturer of Airlangga University), and Sudarwan Danim (law lecturer of University of Bengkulu)
After the interview, the honorary jury assessed nine grand finalists at the award night, three from each level. The Court also determined the first, second, and third winners as well as the first and second runner up of each level.
The first and second runner up of each level attended the award night virtually to receive their prizes, while the first, second, third winners of each level attended it onsite in Jakarta or another venue to be decided.
The elimination and semifinal rounds of the debate competition took place on Thursday-Friday, November 18-19, 2021 in a hybrid manner (onsite and online), where the participants will participate virtually while the jury online from the Court’s Pancasila and Constitution Education Center (Pusdik), Cisarua, Bogor.
The 24 remaining teams were divided into “pro” and “con” teams. Each team consisted of three people. The round consisted of four sessions and was adjudicated by three members of the jury.
Twenty-four teams passed the elimination round: Airlangga University, Andalas University, Brawijaya University, Diponegoro University, Esa Unggul University, Gadjah Mada University, Hasanuddin University, the Islamic University of Indonesia, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University of Yogyakarta, Hidayatullah State Islamic University, the University of Jember, Khairun University, Muhammadiyah University of Malang, Padjajaran University, Pelita Harapan University, Raden Intan University of Lampung, the University of Riau, Sebelas Maret University, the University of North Sumatera, Syiah Kuala University, the University of Tanjungpura, Tarumanagara University, Trunojoyo University, and Udayana University.
The jury consisted of law experts, academics, and practitioners from well-known universities all across Indonesia. The jury will decide the competition with objective assessments.
Writer : Utami Argawati
Editor : Nur R.
Translator : Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)
Translation uploaded on 11/29/2021 13:55 WIB
Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.
Friday, November 26, 2021 | 15:48 WIB 381